Why Scott Walker Must Win

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The anti-democratic methods President Obama’s union allies are using in Wisconsin testify to the crucial character of the battle being fought. Teachers have walked off in wildcat strikes, taking pupils with them. Doctors have issued lying affidavits saying the teachers were sick, a good example of ethical conduct for the …

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The American Way of Abandonment

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Hosni Mubarak, it appears, is not going to go quietly, or quickly. He is not going to play the role assigned him in the White House script that has him resigning and fleeing Egypt in the face of mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square. After U.S. diplomat Frank Wisner came to …

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Winners and Losers From a Pharaoh’s Fall

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Among the biggest losers of the Egyptian uprising are, first, the Mubaraks, who are finished, and, next, the United States and Israel. Hosni Mubarak will be out by year’s end, if not the end of this month, or week. He will not run again and will not be succeeded by …

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Angry White Men

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by Patrick J. Buchanan To hear the Obamaites, those raucous crowds pouring into town hall meetings are “mobs” of “thugs” whose rage has been “manufactured” by K Street lobbyists and right-wing Republican operatives. Press secretary Robert Gibbs compares them to the Young Republicans of the “Brooks Brothers riot” during the …

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