Can Trump Still Avoid War with Iran?

Can Trump Still Avoid War with Iran?

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A more fundamental question arises: If the United States was not attacked, why is it our duty to respond militarily to an attack on Saudi Arabia? President Donald Trump does not want war with Iran. America does not want war with Iran. Even the Senate Republicans are advising against military …

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After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

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It is only among foreign policy elites in Beltway think tanks, the generals who ran the national security state, liberal interventionists in the media and the hierarchy of the GOP that we find echoes of Bolton. The rest of the country has moved on. They want an end to the …

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Remembering Justin Raimondo

Remembering Justin Raimondo

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By James Antle III at The American Conservative The last “America First” candidate Raimondo supported actually became president of the United States, defeating the Democrat he aptly labeled “Hillary the Hawk” The man who once said, “it is Buchananism—or barbarism. The choice is yours to make,” made his mark on …

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Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

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Where is the evidence that any such secret program exists? And if it does, why does America not tell the world where Iran’s secret nuclear facilities are located and demand immediate inspections?… Visualizing 150 Iranian dead from a missile strike that he had ordered, President Donald Trump recoiled and canceled …

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Who Wants This War with Iran?

Who Wants This War with Iran?

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Outside a few precincts, America has no enthusiasm for a new Mideast war, no stomach for any occupation of Iran. Speaking on state TV of the prospect of a war in the Gulf, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei seemed to dismiss the idea. “There won’t be any war. … We …

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Are All the World's Problems Ours?

Are All the World’s Problems Ours?

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After an exhausting two weeks, one is tempted to ask: How many quarrels, clashes and conflicts can even a superpower manage at one time? In 2003, George W. Bush took us to war to liberate Iraq from the despotism of Saddam Hussein and convert that nation into a beacon of …

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Is Bernie Stealing Trump's 'No More Wars' Issue?

Is Bernie Stealing Trump’s ‘No More Wars’ Issue?

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The center of gravity of U.S. politics is shifting toward the Trump position of 2016. “The president has said that he does not want to see this country involved in endless wars… I agree with that,” Bernie Sanders told the Fox News audience at Monday’s town hall meeting in Bethlehem, …

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Trump vs. the Spy Chiefs: Who's Right?

Trump vs. the Spy Chiefs: Who’s Right?

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To manifest his opposition to President Donald Trump’s decision to pull all 2,000 U.S. troops out of Syria, and half of the 14,000 in Afghanistan, Gen. James Mattis went public and resigned as secretary of defense. Now Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, in public testimony to Congress, has contradicted …

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