Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President

Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President?

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The next 72 hours will be decisive in the career of the speaker of the House. The alternatives he faces are these: John Boehner can, after “consultation,” give his blessing to Barack Obama’s decision to launch a war on Syria, a nation that has neither attacked nor threatened us. Or …

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Congress Should Veto Obamas War

Congress Should Veto Obama’s War

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“Congress doesn’t have a whole lot of core responsibilities,” said Barack Obama last week in an astonishing remark. For in the Constitution, Congress appears as the first branch of government. And among its enumerated powers are the power to tax, coin money, create courts, provide for the common defense, raise …

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Last Hurrah of the Interventionists

Last Hurrah of the Interventionists?

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In what a Washington Post columnist describes as a rout of Rand Paul isolationism, the Senate just voted overwhelmingly to send another $1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt. The House voted 400-20 to impose new sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, two days before Iran’s new president, elected on a …

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Obamas Moment -- A Deal With Iran!

Obama’s Moment — A Deal With Iran!

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In his second term, Richard Nixon had Watergate, but also the rescue of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. In his second term, Ronald Reagan had Iran-Contra, but also a treaty eliminating U.S. and Soviet missiles in Europe, his “tear-down-this-wall” moment in Berlin and his lead role in ending the …

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Is victory for either side worth yet another U.S. war?

The Palin Doctrine

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On U.S. military intervention in Syria’s civil war, where “both sides are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line ‘Allahu akbar’ … I say let Allah sort it out.” So said Sarah Palin to the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. And, as is not infrequently the …

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Capitol Flag

A Reluctant Warrior Tiptoes to War

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Barack Obama has just taken his first baby steps into a war in Syria that may define and destroy his presidency. Thursday, while he was ringing in Gay Pride Month with LGBT revelers, a staffer, Ben Rhodes, informed the White House press that U.S. weapons will be going to the …

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Bell Tolls for the GOP

The Bell Tolls for the ‘New Majority’

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Next year should be a banner year for the GOP, and may yet be. Obamacare, a “train wreck” about to happen, says Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, goes into full effect Jan. 1, with the popular IRS as enforcer. The Obama media feel betrayed by the secret intrusions on First Amendment …

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Outside Agitators

Outside Agitators

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A Cairo court has convicted 43 men and women of using foreign funds to foment unrest inside Egypt in connection with the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak. Sixteen of those convicted were Americans. All but one, Robert Becker of the National Democratic Institute, had already departed. Becker fled this week …

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