Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

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Listening to Wray, one came away with the impression that right-wing terrorism was our foremost internal security issue, that the Jan. 6 riot was a manifestation of that terrorism, and that white supremacists top the list of dangerous enemies inside our own country. “Unfortunately, Jan. 6 was not an isolated …

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The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

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The divisions among Virginians are not only over history, heroes and guns, they are also moral and religious. Since 1969, “Virginia Is for Lovers” has been the tourism and travel slogan of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Advertising Age called it “one of the most iconic ad campaigns in the past …

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Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

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Never let a crisis go to waste is an old political adage. And this crowd of candidates was not going to let that happen. It was two days of contrast that tell us about America 2019. In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders of Saturday and …

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Biden Plays the Race Card

Biden Plays the Race Card

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With the economy firing on all eight cylinders, and the drive for impeachment losing steam, a new strategy is emerging — to take Trump down by stuffing him in a box with white supremacists. As he debated with himself whether to enter the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination, Joe …

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Who Spawned the Christchurch Killer?

Who Spawned the Christchurch Killer?

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Does the vision of America as a country where white racism is rampant and an unleashed white nationalism is a scourge that is running amok correspond with reality? Last Friday, in Christchurch, New Zealand, one of the more civilized places on earth, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, an Australian, turned on his …

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The War for the Soul of America

The War for the Soul of America

The war in Washington will not end until the presidency of Donald Trump ends. Everyone seems to sense that now.

This is a fight to the finish.

A postelection truce that began with Trump congratulating House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — “I give her a great deal of credit for what she’s done and what she’s accomplished” — was ancient history by nightfall.

With the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his replacement by his chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, the long-anticipated confrontation with Robert Mueller appears at hand.

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Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?

Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?

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“The Barbarian cannot make … he can befog and destroy but … he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true.” Hilaire Belloc’s depiction of the barbarian is recalled to mind as the statues honoring the history and heroes …

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Is Europe Cracking Up

Is Europe Cracking Up?

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A week ago, in the St. George’s Hall in the Kremlin, Russia’s elite cheered and wept as Vladimir Putin announced the re-annexation of Crimea. Seven in 10 Russians approve of Putin’s rule. In Crimea, the Russian majority has not ceased celebrating. The re-conquest nears completion. In Eastern Ukraine, Russians have …

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