Aftermath of an Afghanistan Debacle

Aftermath of an Afghanistan Debacle

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Yet, given the character of the Taliban, as revealed in its previous tenure, and the desire for revenge against those who have been killing Taliban comrades, the future looks grim for those left behind. In Afghanistan, the mission failure appears complete. The trillion-dollar project to plant Western democracy in a …

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JFK -- Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

JFK — Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

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Kennedy was asking us to recognize that the world consists not only of democrats but also of autocrats, dictatorships, military regimes, monarchs and politburos, and the goal of U.S. foreign policy was not to convert them into political replicas of the USA.    Kennedy was willing to put our political model …

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Boris Johnson Defies Vladimir Putin's Claim to Crimea

Boris Johnson Defies Vladimir Putin’s Claim to Crimea

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Britain’s challenge to Russia, a few kilometers off Crimea, could have resulted in a shooting incident that could have forced a U.S. response against Russia. And that raises some serious questions: …Did President Joe Biden or the Pentagon tell Johnson that if Defender were attacked, U.S. forces would have their …

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Were the Wars Wise? Were They Worth It?

Were the Wars Wise? Were They Worth It?

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While the service and sacrifice were always honorable and often heroic, never to be forgotten, were the wars these soldiers were sent to fight and die in wise? Were they necessary? Through the long Memorial Day weekend, anyone who read the newspapers or watched television could not miss or be …

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Merkel Flips Off Biden's Protest -- to Buy Putin's Gas

Merkel Flips Off Biden’s Protest — to Buy Putin’s Gas

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Would a Germany that is doubling its dependency on Russia for the natural gas that fuels its economy be willing to go to war against that same Russia, and send German troops to fight alongside NATO? Would Berlin be willing to declare war on its own gas station? When the …

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Who Will Be the Next 'America First' President?

Who Will Be the Next ‘America First’ President?

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As domestic concerns are predominant — the COVID-19 pandemic, the invasion across our Southern border, soaring crime rates, race relations as raw as they have been in decades — it is time for U.S. statesman to look out for America and Americans first, and let the world look out for …

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Biden Bids Farewell to a 'Forever War'

Biden Bids Farewell to a ‘Forever War’

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Afghanistan is only one of the “forever wars” into which our interventionists plunged us that have proven so ruinous to the republic. “It is time to end the forever war.” So said President Joe Biden in his announcement that, as of Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the attacks on …

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Putin & Xi Have Red Lines, Too

Putin & Xi Have Red Lines, Too

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Biden personally assured President Volodymyr Zelensky of America’s “unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression in the Donbass and Crimea.” What does that mean? What are Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping up to? In recent days, Russian tanks, artillery, armor, trucks and …

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