All Is Hype for the Biden-Putin Summit

Stress Test of a Straining Superpower

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From the protests, riots, rampages and statue-smashing of the last two months, it is apparent that millions of Americans detest our history and heroes. Though nowhere in recorded time have 42 million people of African descent achieved the measures of freedom and prosperity they have in the USA, we are …

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Is America Up for a Naval War with China?

Is America Up for a Naval War with China?

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Does anyone in Washington think the Chinese are going to give up their claims to the entire South China Sea or retreat from reasserting those claims because the U.S. now rejects them? Is the U.S., preoccupied with a pandemic and a depression that medical crisis created, prepared for a collision …

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Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

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On China, Trump is the first realist we have had in the Oval Office in decades. But both parties colluded in the buildup of China… The mighty malevolent China we face today was made in the USA. Under fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump, his …

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What Will Be the New American Cause?

What Will Be the New American Cause?

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If Trump wins, borders will be tightened. The U.S. withdrawal from the Mideast will continue. U.S. manufacturing will begin to be repatriated. Transnational institutions will be downgraded, ignored and superseded. The watchword will be what it has lately been: “America First.” After the Great Pandemic has passed and we emerge …

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Can This Pandemic Usher in a New Era?

Can This Pandemic Usher in a New Era?

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Trump should go further, turn the tables, and seize this crisis to do what he was elected to do — impose a new foreign policy. To fight the coronavirus at home, France is removing all military forces from Iraq. When NATO scaled back its war games in Europe because of …

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In the Pandemic, It's Every Nation for Itself

In the Pandemic, It’s Every Nation for Itself

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For most men, the claims of the heart are superior to those of the mind… In a crisis, people put families, friends and country first. “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time,” said Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey to …

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Trump's In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

Trump’s In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

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With the killing of the general and the possibility of a U.S.-Iran war rising, Bernie is the Democratic candidate whose anti-war credentials are the longest and strongest and whose position of avoiding war with Iran is most in sync with the majority of the party he seeks to lead. The …

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Is 'Little Rocket Man' Winning?

Is ‘Little Rocket Man’ Winning?

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If U.S. sanctions are insufficient to force Kim to “denuclearize,” as seems apparent, is Trump prepared to force him to do so? As of Dec. 26, Kim Jong Un’s “Christmas gift” to President Donald Trump had not arrived. Most foreign policy analysts predict it will be a missile test more …

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