Today France, Tomorrow the USA?

Today France, Tomorrow the USA?

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It is worth looking more closely at France because she appears to be at a place where the rest of Europe and America are headed. As that rail and subway strike continued to paralyze travel in Paris and across France into the third week, President Emmanuel Macron made a Christmas …

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Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

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Among the reasons Trump is president is that he raised provocative questions about NATO and Russia left unaddressed for three decades, as U.S. policy has been on cruise control since the Cold War. A week from now, the 29 member states of “the most successful alliance in history” will meet …

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When Did Ukraine Become a 'Critical Ally'?

When Did Ukraine Become a ‘Critical Ally’?

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Despite constant pressure from Sen. John McCain and our neocons to bring Ukraine into NATO, wiser heads on both sides of the Atlantic rejected the idea. On hearing the State Department’s George Kent and William Taylor describe President Donald Trump’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine, The New York Times …

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Putin's Narrowing Options

Is Putin the New King of the Middle East?

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If Putin wants to be king of this, and it is OK with Assad, how does that imperil the United States of America, 6,000 miles away? “Russia Assumes Mantle of Supreme Power Broker in the Middle East,” proclaimed Britain’s Telegraph. The article began: “Russia’s status as the undisputed power-broker in …

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Is the Interventionists' Era Over for Good?

Is the Interventionists’ Era Over for Good?

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Denunciation of Erdogan for invading Syria is almost universal. Congress is clamoring for sanctions. NATO allies are cutting off weapons sales. But before we act, some history should be revisited. President Donald Trump could have been more deft and diplomatic in how he engineered that immediate pullout from northeastern Syria. …

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Is Trump At Last Ending Our 'Endless Wars'?

Is Trump At Last Ending Our ‘Endless Wars’?

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Among those objecting most loudly to an American withdrawal from the forever wars of the Middle East are those who were the most enthusiastic about plunging us in. The backstage struggle between the Bush interventionists and the America-firsters who first backed Donald Trump for president just exploded into open warfare, …

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Is China the Country of the Future?

Is China the Country of the Future?

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Under Xi Jinping, the mask of benign giant has slipped and the menacing face of 21st-century China is being revealed, for its people, its neighbors, and the world to see. With the fall of the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, the defeat of his armies and the flight to Formosa, …

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Can Trump Still Avoid War with Iran?

Can Trump Still Avoid War with Iran?

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A more fundamental question arises: If the United States was not attacked, why is it our duty to respond militarily to an attack on Saudi Arabia? President Donald Trump does not want war with Iran. America does not want war with Iran. Even the Senate Republicans are advising against military …

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