Insult Diplomacy: Does Biden's Vilification of Putin Help? By Patrick Buchanan

Insult Diplomacy: Does Biden’s Vilification of Putin Help?

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Since calling Putin a killer, Biden has progressed to calling him “a war criminal,” “a murderous dictator,” “a pure thug” and “a butcher.” It is difficult to recall an American president using such a string of epithets about the leader of a nation with which we were not at war. …

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Where Did All Those 'Capitalist Pigs' Go?

Where Did All Those ‘Capitalist Pigs’ Go?

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Today’s billionaires’ boys club has come to understand how to make its astonishing wealth acceptable… Set up a tax-exempt foundation, fund it with billions of dollars, invite in liberals to sit on the board, and, at munificent salaries, to run it and distribute its income to liberal causes. “There are …

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All Is Hype for the Biden-Putin Summit

Stress Test of a Straining Superpower

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From the protests, riots, rampages and statue-smashing of the last two months, it is apparent that millions of Americans detest our history and heroes. Though nowhere in recorded time have 42 million people of African descent achieved the measures of freedom and prosperity they have in the USA, we are …

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