Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

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What are these “values” of which politicians incessantly talk? Are they immutable? Or do they change with the changing times? “My religion defines who I am. And I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” said Vice President Joe Biden in 2012. “I accept my church’s position on abortion as …

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Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

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Biden and Bernie may be wheezing, but the old white boys are out in front of the pack. In 2018, a record turnout of women, minorities and young added 40 House seats to Democratic ranks and made Nancy Pelosi speaker. This, we were told, is the new diversity coalition — …

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Biden Plays the Race Card

Biden Plays the Race Card

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With the economy firing on all eight cylinders, and the drive for impeachment losing steam, a new strategy is emerging — to take Trump down by stuffing him in a box with white supremacists. As he debated with himself whether to enter the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination, Joe …

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The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

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The credibility of the Democratic Party is now at issue… If Mueller could not find collusion, what reason is there to believe Rep. Jerry Nadler’s judiciary committee will find it, and then convince the country that they have discovered what ex-FBI Director Mueller could not. The release of the Mueller …

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Is Bernie Stealing Trump's 'No More Wars' Issue?

Is Bernie Stealing Trump’s ‘No More Wars’ Issue?

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The center of gravity of U.S. politics is shifting toward the Trump position of 2016. “The president has said that he does not want to see this country involved in endless wars… I agree with that,” Bernie Sanders told the Fox News audience at Monday’s town hall meeting in Bethlehem, …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Why Joe May Be Courting Stacey

Why Joe May Be Courting Stacey

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How, with a record like this, does Biden inoculate himself against attacks by rival candidates, especially candidates of color, in his run for the nomination? Of 895 slots in the freshman class of Stuyvesant High in New York City, seven were offered this year to black students, down from 10 …

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Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

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Our Founding Fathers, too, were ever alert to the dangers of dual loyalty. “We can’t be divided by race, religion, by tribe. We’re defined by those enduring principles in the Constitution, even though we don’t necessarily all know them.” So Joe Biden told the firefighters union this week. But does …

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