Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue

Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue

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Migrants have been crossing the Mexican border at a rate of 100,000 a month. If one had to choose a word to describe graphically what is going on, would it not be invasion? Those who believed America’s racial divide would begin to close with the civil rights acts of the …

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Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

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Never let a crisis go to waste is an old political adage. And this crowd of candidates was not going to let that happen. It was two days of contrast that tell us about America 2019. In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders of Saturday and …

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A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

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“Everybody’s talking about how terrible I am on these issues,” wailed Biden. He fought back gamely. But he also stammered, mumbled, misspoke and some of his answers seemed to be canned rebuttals. In his opening statement at Wednesday’s Democratic debate in Detroit, Joe Biden addressed Donald Trump while pointing proudly …

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Is Trump Capturing the 'Law and Order' Issue?

Is Trump Capturing the ‘Law and Order’ Issue?

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A prediction: The incidence of murders, rapes, robberies and assaults in urban America, which saw a steep decline in the last three decades, is about to rise again. Did President Donald Trump launch his Twitter barrage at Elijah Cummings simply because the Baltimore congressman was black? Was it just a …

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Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy's House

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy’s House

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Trump is driving a wedge right through the Democratic Party, between its moderate and militant wings. With his attacks over the last 48 hours, Trump has signaled whom he prefers as his opponent in 2020. It is not Biden; it is “the Squad.” President Donald Trump’s playground taunt Sunday that …

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Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

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Other problems have now arisen for the Democrats because of the issues that have come to the fore: race, radicalism and the border. None looks like a winning Democratic issue in November 2020. Since the Democratic debates in June, the tide seems to have receded for the party and its …

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Trump's Patriotism Vs. The New Anti-Americanism

Trump’s Patriotism Vs. The New Anti-Americanism

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One wonders: Where is all this negativity, this constant griping and grousing by the left, going to lead? Do these people think America will turn with hope to a party that reflexively recoils at patriotic displays? Despite all the grousing and griping about his “politicizing” of the Fourth of July …

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Joe Biden

Will Joe Repudiate His Segregationist Friends?

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The Democratic Party, the oldest party on earth, was from its founding to the final third of the 20th century, the bastion of slavery, secession and segregation. “Apologize for what? Cory should apologize. He knows better. There’s not a racist bone in my body.” Thus did a stung Joe Biden …

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