The Apologists

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by Patrick J. Buchanan For 50 minutes, Obama sat mute, as a Marxist thug from Nicaragua delivered his diatribe, charging America with a century of terrorist aggression in Central America. After Daniel Ortega finished spitting in our face, accusing us of inhumanity toward Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Obama was asked his …

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Is Ehud’s Poodle Acting Up?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan As Israel entered the third week of its Gaza blitz, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regaled a crowd in Ashkelon with an astonishing tale. He had, said Olmert, whistled up George Bush, interrupted him in the middle of a speech and told him to instruct Condi Rice …

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Can This Marriage Last?

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Having savaged each other for a year, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have now formed a rare partnership in power. Not since James Garfield chose James G. Blaine has a new president chosen his principal rival to be secretary of state. What does this tell us? First, don’t take campaign …

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One of Them and One of Us

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by Patrick J. Buchanan One wonders: What did Sarah Palin ever do to inspire the rage and bile that exploded on her selection by John McCain? What is there either in this woman’s record or resume to elicit such feline ferocity? What did we know of her when she was …

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And If Obama Loses?

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DENVER — After the phony roll call vote was taken here to formally nominate Barack Obama — a roll call that did not remotely reflect the true delegate strength of Hillary — the media exploded in an orgy of celebration about the historic character of the moment to which they …

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Why Congress Caved to Bush

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The anti-war Democrats are crying “betrayal” and justifiably so. For a Democratic Congress is now voting to fully fund the war in Iraq, as demanded by President Bush, and without any timetable for a U.S. troop withdrawal. Bush got his $100 billion, then magnanimously agreed to let Democrats keep the …

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Clinton vs. Gore?

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On Saturday on MSNBC, this writer volunteered that if Al Gore would enter the Democratic primaries, he could defeat Hillary Clinton and win the nomination. Hours later, there popped up on Drudge this headline: “Al Gore Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Second Run.” “I haven’t ruled out running for president …

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None Dare Call it Treason

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…Clinton gets a pass for rescuing companies that gave the greatest tyranny on Earth an improved capacity to burn to ashes the cities of his own country. Half a century ago, the most detested of Americans had sold scrap metal to Japan. Now, men who enhance the capacity of the …

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