How, When, Do We Come Together Again?

How, When, Do We Come Together Again?

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For a nation, a country, a people, a democracy to endure, there needs be a broad consensus of belief, culture, custom and politics. … We are a country whose people have a diminishing confidence in almost all of its institutions, from big business to the churches, universities and media. When …

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The Richard Nixon His Loyalists Knew By Patrick Buchanan

The Richard Nixon His Loyalists Knew

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Bedeviled by anti-war protests and bomb threats, Nixon’s first year ended in triumph after his “Silent Majority” speech rallied the nation and rocked the left back on its heels, vaulting the president’s approval rating to 69%… Where Donald Trump used social media to communicate with his following, Nixon used national …

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Stress Test for a Fading Superpower By Patrick Buchanan

Stress Test for a Fading Superpower

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And as we went crusading for a new world order, Vladimir Putin’s Russia gradually recovered from its crushing Cold War defeat, and China began to move out of America’s shadow to become the most powerful rival modern America had ever faced. Because America entered both world wars of the 20th …

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The Return of 'Law and Order'

The Return of ‘Law and Order’

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To secure the safety of poor communities, several elements have always been needed: police to prevent crimes and arrest the criminals who commit them, prosecutors who will put them away, and prison cells to house them. This was the formula that broke the back of the long crime wave that …

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Biden vs. Biden on 'Is America a Racist Country?'

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

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Can you lead a country about whose history you profess shame? And how long will Americans follow leaders who appear to agree with those who hate what America was and, yes, what America is? “Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black …

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Biden's Game Plan -- Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock

Biden’s Game Plan — Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock

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A second hurdle for Biden is his speech accepting the Democratic nomination. The country would be watching intently to see if the Biden of August 2020 had lost the mental and communication skills he once had. But Biden’s advisers bypassed that hurdle this week by declaring that the pandemic prevents …

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American 'Stormtroopers' -- A Bright Shining Lie

American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie

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When the protests turned into riots, when the looting and arson began, when the statues began to be pulled down, when the rampages went on and on for weeks and months after Floyd’s death, support began to wane. And it is dissipating quickly. The country is not going to sit …

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Is the Pandemic Killing Biden's Bid?

Is the Pandemic Killing Biden’s Bid?

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The media are paying a price in lost reputation with the nation they claim to represent by reassuming the role of “adversary press” in a social crisis where, whatever one’s view of Donald Trump, the country wants the president to succeed. “This is the question that is going to dominate …

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