Pat Buchanan

Pitchfork Politics

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From The Economist A pioneer of Trump-style populism wonders if it can succeed in today’s America BEFORE Donald Trump, there was Patrick Buchanan. More than two decades before Mr Trump kicked over the Republican tea table, Mr Buchanan, a former speechwriter and White House aide to Presidents Richard Nixon and …

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The Republican War -- Over War Policy

The Republican War — Over War Policy

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Rand Paul had his best debate moment Tuesday when he challenged Marco Rubio on his plans to increase defense spending by $1 trillion. “You cannot be a conservative if you’re going to keep promoting new programs you’re not going to pay for,” said Paul. Marco’s retort triggered the loudest cheers …

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Pat Buchanan Was Right

Pat Buchanan Was Right – On the Iraq War, Abortion, Trade Deals and More

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By Craig Shirley – You can’t say he didn’t warn us. Pat Buchanan, the conservative political commentator and former senior adviser to Ronald Reagan, warned against going to war for Kuwait. He warned against the siren song of unfavorable trade deals. He warned against political correctness. And he warned …

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Imperial Overstretch

Imperial Overstretch

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Toward the end of the presidency of George H.W. Bush, America stood alone at the top of the world — the sole superpower. After five weeks of “shock and awe” and 100 hours of combat, Saddam’s army had fled Kuwait back up the road to Basra and Bagdad. Our Cold …

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The Rise of Putinism

The Rise of Putinism

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“Abe tightens grip on power as Japanese shun election.” So ran the page one headline of the Financial Times on the victory of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Sunday’s elections. Abe is the most nationalistic leader of postwar Japan. He is rebooting nuclear power, building up Japan’s military, asserting her …

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To Defeat the Islamic State

To Defeat the Islamic State

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The decisions that determined the fate of the great nations and empires that failed to survive the 20th century are well known. For the Kaiser’s Germany, it was the “blank cheque” to Austria after Sarajevo. For Great Britain, the 1939 war guarantee to Poland. For the Third Reich, it was …

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Pat Buchanan - Mississippi Conservative Daily

The Republican Establishments 20-Year War On Conservatives

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By Ryan Walters at the Mississippi Conservative Daily As Pat Buchanan said in his victory speech in New Hampshire nearly 20 years ago, “Do not wait for orders from headquarters, mount up everybody and ride to the sound of the guns!” It began on a snowy night in New Hampshire. …

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Somewhere, Bin Laden Is Smiling

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Bowe Bergdahl was “an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield” who “served the United States with distinction and honor,” asserted Susan Rice, the president’s national security adviser. Rice was speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos the morning after Barack Obama’s Rose Garden celebration of Bergdahl’s release. When she spoke …

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