Trumpism Lives On!

Trumpism Lives On!

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The American electorate failed to perform its designated role in the establishment’s morality play. Indeed, Democrats ended Tuesday night terrified that America had again turned its back on them and preferred Trump to the leaders and agenda they had put forth. Donald Trump may end up losing the 2020 election …

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Is Peace at Hand in the Middle East?

Is Peace at Hand in the Middle East?

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Recognition of Israel by the UAE and Bahrain will, it is predicted, be followed by recognition of Israel by Oman and other Gulf states, perhaps even Saudi Arabia. But the idea that peace is at hand appears to be, as Mark Twain said of reports of his death, premature. Having …

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Are the Forever Wars Really Ending?

Are the Forever Wars Really Ending?

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Clearly, with the cuts in troops in Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the appointments of Ruger and Macgregor, Trump has signaled a new resolve to reconfigure U.S. foreign policy in an “America First” direction, if he wins a second term. “There is no… sound reason for the United States to …

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A Most Consequential Presidency

A Most Consequential Presidency

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Trump has also changed the character and composition of the GOP, making it more of a working- and middle-class party. Where George H.W. Bush sought to build a “New World Order” with America as global hegemon and George W. Bush preached a global crusade for democracy “to end tyranny in …

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What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

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When it comes to spending lives and treasure indefinitely we find we have no vital interest in whether these lands we occupy are ruled by monarchs, democrats, dictators or demagogues… If they don’t attack us, why do we not just leave them be? When a Wall Street Journal editorial warned …

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Trump's In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

Trump’s In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

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With the killing of the general and the possibility of a U.S.-Iran war rising, Bernie is the Democratic candidate whose anti-war credentials are the longest and strongest and whose position of avoiding war with Iran is most in sync with the majority of the party he seeks to lead. The …

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When Did Ukraine Become a 'Critical Ally'?

When Did Ukraine Become a ‘Critical Ally’?

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Despite constant pressure from Sen. John McCain and our neocons to bring Ukraine into NATO, wiser heads on both sides of the Atlantic rejected the idea. On hearing the State Department’s George Kent and William Taylor describe President Donald Trump’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine, The New York Times …

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Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

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Is America still the world’s last superpower with global policing obligations? Or should we shuck off this imperial role and make America, again, in Jeane Kirkpatrick’s phrase, “a normal country in a normal time”? “Let someone else fight over this long blood-stained sand,” said President Donald Trump in an impassioned …

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