In the Long Run, Is the GOP Dead?

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Since 1928, only Dwight Eisenhower and George W. Bush have won the presidency while capturing both houses of Congress for the GOP. In his 49-state landslide, Richard Nixon failed to take either House. In his two landslides, Ronald Reagan won back only the Senate. Yet Mitt Romney is even money …

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Rating and Ranking Our Presidents

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In 1948, Arthur Schlesinger Sr. wrote for Life magazine a controversial article on a subject that has been the cause of spirited and acrimonious debate ever since. He listed the consensus of our academic elite as to which American presidents had been Great, Near Great, Average, Below Average and Failures. …

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The Bell Tolls for the Government Unions

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In 1919, after Boston police went on strike to protest the city’s refusal to recognize their new union, Gov. Calvin Coolidge ordered the National Guard into the streets. Sam Gompers, the legendary father of American labor, wrote the governor that the Boston police had been denied their rights. Coolidge’s terse …

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Ann Romney Asks the Right Question

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When Hillary Rosen said that Ann Romney had “never worked a day in her life,” it was among the better days of the Romney campaign. For Rosen — present whereabouts unknown — both revealed the feminist mindset about women who choose to become wives and mothers and brought Ann Romney …

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Has the Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP?

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Among the more controversial chapters in “Suicide of a Superpower,” my book published last fall, was the one titled, “The End of White America.” It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity. That book and …

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Is This the End of ‘One Europe’?

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How Europe‘s crisis resolves itself as yet remains unknown. But with Sunday’s returns from France and Greece, the mega-trends on the Old Continent are unmistakable. And for the European Union, they are ominous. Nationalism — be it economic nationalism or ethnic nationalism — is ascendant. Transnationalism and multiculturalism are in …

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Bibi’s Dilemma — and Barack’s

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“Bibi” Netanyahu was disgusted. “My initial reaction is that Iran has gotten a freebie. It has got five weeks to continue enrichment without any limitation.” The Israeli prime minister was referring to Saturday’s meeting in Istanbul of the P5-plus-1 — the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and …

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Toulouse: The Dark Side of Diversity

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As an act of pure evil it was difficult to match. After dragging the 8-year-old by her hair across a schoolyard, the killer put a 9 mm pistol to the girl’s head and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed. So he took out a Colt .45 and finished her. She …

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