Biden's Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

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If Biden emerges, then he will have to answer why all these institutions where his party and people are predominant — the media, Hollywood, the academic community, public schools, big-city governments, the big foundations, the federal bureaucracy — are apparently shot through with systemic racism after decades of Democratic dominance. …

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A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites

A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites

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Biden’s gaffe and Burchard’s slur have this in common: Both manifest a measure of condescension toward a large bloc of voters. Hillary Clinton did something similar in 2016… In his half-century in national politics, Joe Biden has committed more than his fair share of gaffes. Wednesday, he confused Pearl Harbor …

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Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

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On China, Trump is the first realist we have had in the Oval Office in decades. But both parties colluded in the buildup of China… The mighty malevolent China we face today was made in the USA. Under fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump, his …

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Behind Trump's Strategic Pivot

Behind Trump’s Strategic Pivot

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Trump can make the case that while China was the origin of the Wuhan virus that killed scores of thousands of Americans, it was Donald J. Trump who led us through the tragedy, and he is leading us forward, once again, to a new prosperity. What will be Joe Biden’s …

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How Long Can Biden Stay in His Basement?

How Long Can Biden Stay in His Basement?

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The worry is that he is suffering from mental decline and could be destroyed by Trump in a presidential debate. Biden forgets, mumbles, misspeaks, loses his train of thought and appears, at times, confused. Where Barack Obama achieved notoriety for “leading from behind,” Joe Biden, these last two months, has …

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Will Joe Kick It Away Again?

Will Joe Kick It Away Again?

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All in all, a triumphal week for Biden, who racked up 11 state primary victories. Before last Saturday, he had not won a single primary in three presidential campaigns. But if earlier reports of the demise of Joe Biden were premature, so, too, are today’s confident predictions of a Biden …

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The Establishment's Ultimatum: Scuttle Bernie!

The Establishment’s Ultimatum: Scuttle Bernie!

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Of what is the establishment terrified? That if Sanders is nominated, Donald Trump will crush him in November. And not only will the White House be lost, all hopes of winning the Senate and blocking Trump’s second-term Supreme Court nominees would also be lost. After Joe Biden’s blowout victory in …

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Will JFK's Party Become Sanders' Party?

Will JFK’s Party Become Sanders’ Party?

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Bloomberg can probably buy enough votes to win some states. But would the other Democratic candidates, who have fought for a year, stand aside to yield the field so this ex-Republican oligarch can save their party from Sanders? Why should they? And where is the evidence that Bloomberg can beat …

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