Can Democracy Hold Us Together?

Can Democracy Hold Us Together?

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In announcing the $900 billion stimulus bill to deal with the pandemic, Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not mention that the gifts for her distressed countrymen and women at Christmas would have been twice as large had she taken President Trump’s offer of $1.8 trillion in October… Rather than let Donald …

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Is Our Second Civil War -- also a 'Forever War'?

Is Our Second Civil War — also a ‘Forever War’?

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Who was not stunned to learn that as Trump seemed to be pulling ahead in the voting count on Nov. 3, suddenly, around midnight, the vote counting appeared to stop in the crucial swing states, and we were told it would begin again early the next morning? Why the halt? …

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What Biden's First 100 Days Might Look Like

What Biden’s First 100 Days Might Look Like

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But the truly formidable challenge for a President Biden will be China, which is not the China of 2016 that Vice President Biden recalls. The Biden-Harris administration will confront “a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on …

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A Historic Presidency

A Historic Presidency

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Can anyone believe that Bush Republicans or the “Never-Trumpers” are the future of the party when one considers the massive and visceral reaction of millions of Trump voters even to the idea of conceding his defeat in this election? In the first two decades of the century, President-elect Joe Biden’s …

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What Trump Will Leave in Biden's Inbox

What Trump Will Leave in Biden’s Inbox

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Then, there are the human rights backsliders that are U.S. partners and allies — Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. How does Biden deal with the party’s progressives who demand he sanction such partner-nations — without risking the loss of these countries’ cooperation on our policy agenda? Dismissing President Donald Trump’s claim …

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Populism’s Prophet: A Chat with Pat Buchanan

Populism’s Prophet: A Chat with Pat Buchanan

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Buchanan: All the anti-Trump groups, their hope is that they’re going to help bring down Trump and elect Joe Biden. They believe history is going to record they did a wonderful thing. I think they’re sorely mistaken. By Atilla Sulker – Modern Age, a publication of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute …

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Who Owns the Future? Dems or GOP?

Who Owns the Future? Dems or GOP?

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If Democrats can kill the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, if they can add four new senators from Puerto Rico and D.C., and if they can pack the electorate by turning millions of migrants, legal and illegal, into U.S. citizens and regular voters, then you don’t need to be …

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Will Georgia Halt the Radicals' Revolution?

Will Georgia Halt the Radicals’ Revolution?

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President Donald Trump, given all he has endured for five years from those piously pleading now for a “time of healing,” cannot be faulted for his defiant resolve to unearth any and all high crimes or misdemeanors committed in the counting of ballots in the election of Tuesday last. Trump …

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