No Party for Old White Men

No Party for Old White Men

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For Nancy Pelosi, 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75, the primary results from New York’s 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night. All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who …

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What Is America's Goal in the World?

What Is America’s Goal in the World?

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For the World War II generation there was clarity. The attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941, united the nation as it had never been before — in the conviction that Japan must be smashed, no matter how long it took or how many lives it cost. After the defeat …

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Cash Advance

The Republicans — After Dunkirk

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At the Potsdam conference with Harry Truman and Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill learned that the voters of the nation he had led for five years through World War II had just voted to throw him out of office. “It may well be a blessing in disguise,” said his wife Clementine. …

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Cemetary Gate

Is the GOP Headed for the Boneyard?

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After its second defeat at the hands of Barack Obama, under whom unemployment has never been lower than the day George W. Bush left office, the Republican Party has at last awakened to its existential crisis. Eighteen states have voted Democratic in six straight elections. Among the six are four …

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Goldwater for President

McGovern & Goldwater: Losers or Winners?

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Early in Ronald Reagan’s second term, Bill Rusher, the publisher of National Review, was interviewing the president in the Oval Office for a documentary on the conservative movement. Rusher asked how he would describe Barry Goldwater‘s role. Reagan thought a moment and replied: I guess you would have to call …

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A Godless Party Expels the Creator

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The authors of the Democratic platform have inadvertently revealed to the world the sea change that has taken place in that party we once knew. For the first time — and in the longest Democratic platform in history, 26,000 words — there was not a single mention of God, the …

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On the Chick-fil-A Front of the Culture War

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Two weeks ago, Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, an Atlanta company famous for its juicy chicken sandwiches, appeared on “The Ken Coleman Show” to air his biblical belief that those who champion same-sex marriage are risking divine retribution upon us all. “We are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when …

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Clinton vs. Gore?

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On Saturday on MSNBC, this writer volunteered that if Al Gore would enter the Democratic primaries, he could defeat Hillary Clinton and win the nomination. Hours later, there popped up on Drudge this headline: “Al Gore Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Second Run.” “I haven’t ruled out running for president …

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