Is Democracy a Dying Species?

Is Democracy a Dying Species?

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How does a democracy that has spawned within itself a powerful and implacable enemy deal with it? What happens when democracy fails to deliver? What happens when people give up on democracy? What happens when a majority or militant minority decide that the constitutional rights of free speech, free elections, …

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Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy's House

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy’s House

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Trump is driving a wedge right through the Democratic Party, between its moderate and militant wings. With his attacks over the last 48 hours, Trump has signaled whom he prefers as his opponent in 2020. It is not Biden; it is “the Squad.” President Donald Trump’s playground taunt Sunday that …

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Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

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Our Founding Fathers, too, were ever alert to the dangers of dual loyalty. “We can’t be divided by race, religion, by tribe. We’re defined by those enduring principles in the Constitution, even though we don’t necessarily all know them.” So Joe Biden told the firefighters union this week. But does …

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Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

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Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U.S. sanctions, is warning that North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization could be imperiled and we could be headed for “exchanges of fire.” Iran, warns Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is testing ballistic missiles that are forbidden to them by the U.N. Security Council. …

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Trump Stands His Ground on Putin

Trump Stands His Ground on Putin

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“Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Under the Constitution, these are the offenses for which presidents can be impeached. And to hear our elites, Donald Trump is guilty of them all. Trump’s refusal to challenge Vladimir Putin’s claim at Helsinki — that his GRU boys did not hack …

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Time to Get Over the Russophobia

Time to Get Over the Russophobia

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Unless there is a late surge for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin, who is running second with 7 percent, Vladimir Putin will be re-elected president of Russia for another six years on March 18. Then we must decide whether to continue on course into a second Cold War, or engage …

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Fatal Delusions of Western Man

Fatal Delusions of Western Man

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“We got China wrong. Now what?” ran the headline over the column in The Washington Post. “Remember how American engagement with China was going to make that communist backwater more like the democratic, capitalist West?” asked Charles Lane in his opening sentence. America’s elites believed that economic engagement and the …

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Is That Russia Troll Farm an Act of War?

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According to the indictment by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Russian trolls, operating out of St. Petersburg, took American identities on social media and became players in our 2016 election. On divisive racial and religious issues, the trolls took both sides. In the presidential election, the trolls favored Bernie Sanders, Jill …

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