Is Trump Facing a 1960s-Style Revolt?

Is Trump Facing a 1960s-Style Revolt?

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It is imprecise to say this city is divided over Trump. It is rather almost solidly united behind what millions of Middle Americans believe to be a deep state-media conspiracy to overturn the 2016 election and effect a coup d’etat against a president whom this city detests but fears it …

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After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

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It is only among foreign policy elites in Beltway think tanks, the generals who ran the national security state, liberal interventionists in the media and the hierarchy of the GOP that we find echoes of Bolton. The rest of the country has moved on. They want an end to the …

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Let Them Howl, Boris!

Let Them Howl, Boris!

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Whatever may be said of him, Johnson has shown himself as a man of action, a risk-taker, a doer, like Trump, who has hailed Johnson for the suspension. And leaders like Johnson are today shouldering aside the cookie-cutter politicians to dominate the world stage. Facing a Parliamentary majority opposed to …

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Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

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Biden and Bernie may be wheezing, but the old white boys are out in front of the pack. In 2018, a record turnout of women, minorities and young added 40 House seats to Democratic ranks and made Nancy Pelosi speaker. This, we were told, is the new diversity coalition — …

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Is the Liberal Hour Ending in the West?

Is the Liberal Hour Ending in the West?

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“The first Brexit, after all, was in 1776, when the 13 colonies of North America severed all ties to the British crown and set out alone on the path to independence. It did not turn out all that badly.” Hillary Clinton called them “the deplorables.” Barack Obama called them losers …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

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After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.” The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least …

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Memo to Trump: Declare an Emergency

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In the long run, history will validate Donald Trump’s stand on a border wall to defend the sovereignty and security of the United States. Why? Because mass migration from the global South, not climate change, is the real existential crisis of the West. The American people know this, and even …

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