What Is America's Cause in the World?

What Is America’s Cause in the World?

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Economic nationalism is alive and well in the GOP, and securing the border remains a central concern of America’s center-right. “Take away this pudding; it has no theme,” is a comment attributed to Winston Churchill, when a disappointing dessert was put in front of him. Writers have used Churchill’s remark …

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Democratic Showdown: Kamala vs. Manchin

Democratic Showdown: Kamala vs. Manchin

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As for Manchin, he is sitting in the catbird seat in the Democratic Party. He holds the whip hand over both Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Biden. For if the West Virginian refuses to bend or break on the filibuster, then not only will the voting rights bill fail in …

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Merkel Flips Off Biden's Protest -- to Buy Putin's Gas

Merkel Flips Off Biden’s Protest — to Buy Putin’s Gas

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Would a Germany that is doubling its dependency on Russia for the natural gas that fuels its economy be willing to go to war against that same Russia, and send German troops to fight alongside NATO? Would Berlin be willing to declare war on its own gas station? When the …

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Joe Biden's Bid to Remake America

Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America

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The bait to lure Republicans into embracing this $2.3 trillion in Great Society II and Green New Deal spending is the modest fraction to be allocated to infrastructure — airports, bridges, roads, ports, public transit. Most of the rest is to be used to grow social programs and launch new …

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What Biden's First 100 Days Might Look Like

What Biden’s First 100 Days Might Look Like

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But the truly formidable challenge for a President Biden will be China, which is not the China of 2016 that Vice President Biden recalls. The Biden-Harris administration will confront “a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on …

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Putin's Got His Problems, Too

Putin’s Got His Problems, Too

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While our Beltway elites are obsessed with Russia and Putin, seeing in them a mortal threat to our democracy, close observers are seeing something else. Before the first Trump-Biden debate, moderator Chris Wallace listed the six subjects that would be covered: The Trump and Biden records, the Supreme Court, COVID-19, …

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What Will Be the New American Cause?

What Will Be the New American Cause?

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If Trump wins, borders will be tightened. The U.S. withdrawal from the Mideast will continue. U.S. manufacturing will begin to be repatriated. Transnational institutions will be downgraded, ignored and superseded. The watchword will be what it has lately been: “America First.” After the Great Pandemic has passed and we emerge …

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Our Real Existential Crisis -- Extinction

Our Real Existential Crisis — Extinction

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The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen. It is a depiction of what is happening now. First World nations are dying. If Western elites were asked to name the greatest crisis facing mankind, climate change would win in a walk. Thus did …

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