Family Brawl in the House of Trump

Family Brawl in the House of Trump

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In effect, Cruz & Co. would vote to hold up validating Biden’s victory until a newly formed commission could complete a 10-day investigation of complaints that it was fraudulent or rigged. And, at last count, 140 House Republicans had signed on to support challenges to Biden’s electoral vote majority. A …

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Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

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Trump has four weeks to turn it around. And his task, while easy to describe, is not so easy to accomplish. He needs to persuade undecided and soft Biden voters that Joe is simply not up to the job of president. What a difference a week can make. Saturday, Sept. …

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Trump's Presidency Hangs on One Decision

Trump’s Presidency Hangs on One Decision

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The crucial decision Trump will make is to choose the exact moment to reopen the country and the economy, without igniting a new spike in the pandemic that induces despair and causes a panic. Easter may not bring America the victory in the war against the coronavirus pandemic that President …

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Is a New GOP Being Born

Is a New GOP Being Born?

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By Patrick Buchanan The first four Republican contests — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — produced record turnouts. While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic …

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America and France Turn Right

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In Sunday’s first-round of regional elections in France, the clear and stunning winner was the National Front of Marine Le Pen. Her party rolled up 30 percent of the vote, and came in first in 6 of 13 regions. Marine herself won 40 percent of her northeast district. Despite tremendous …

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Is Putin Our Ally in Syria?

Is Putin Our Ally in Syria?

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Among the presidential candidates of the Republican Party and their foreign policy leaders on Capitol Hill the cry is almost universal: Barack Obama has no strategy for winning the war on ISIS. This criticism, however, sounds strange coming from a party that controls Congress but has yet to devise its …

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War Party Oligarch

War Party Oligarch

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Is the Republican Party’s Middle East policy up for bid? For four days ending Sunday, a quartet of presidential hopefuls trooped to Las Vegas to attend the annual gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Impresario: Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion — 8th …

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