As France Goes, so Goes Europe?

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When survival is at stake, one may hear from a politician not what he believes — but what he thinks the people deciding his fate wish to hear. By that standard, what do the people of France, in the final weeks of their presidential election, wish to hear from their …

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Is America Losing Control?

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“Events are in the saddle and ride mankind.” In describing 2011, few cliches seem more appropriate. For in this past year, we Americans seemed to lose control of our destiny, as events seemed to be in the saddle. While President Barack Obama maneuvered skillfully to retain a fighting chance to …

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“Second Period of Islamic Power”

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For the 30 years since “The McLaughlin Group” began to run on network television, the Christmas and New Year’s shows have been devoted to the conferring of annual awards. The first award on the Christmas show is “Biggest Winner.” This year, clearly, one of the world’s big winner was — …

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Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

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On Dec. 8, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt took the rostrum before a joint session of Congress to ask for a declaration of war on Japan. A day earlier, at dawn, carrier-based Japanese aircraft had launched a sneak attack devastating the U.S. battle fleet at Pearl Harbor. Said ex-President Herbert Hoover, Republican …

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Buchanan: Take the China Test

Reviewed by Brett M. Decker – The Washington Times

I went to a dealership last weekend to check out an All-American muscle car, but it didn’t turn out to be all-American at all. As listed on the window sticker, the domestic content was only 55 percent. The transmission, one of the most important components on the vehicle – especially for a performance machine – was manufactured in China.

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The Conquest of the West

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On Oct. 31, the U.N. Population Fund marks the arrival of the 7 billionth person on Earth and raises the population estimate for the planet at mid-century to 9.3 billion people. There is a possibility, says the United Nations, that, by century’s end, world population may reach 15 billion. What …

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Is the New World Order Unraveling?

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With Greece on the precipice of default, and Portugal and Italy approaching the ledge, the European monetary union appears in peril. Should it collapse, the European Union itself could be in danger, for economic nationalism is rising in Europe. Which raises a larger question. Is the New World Order, the …

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Whose Country Is It, Anyway?

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For the third straight year, the median income of the typical American family fell in 2010. Adjusted for inflation, it is back where it was in 1996, the longest period of zero growth since the Depression. And the poverty rate has inched up to 15.1 percent. Both figures, however, should …

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