The Emerging Existential Crisis at the Border

The Emerging Existential Crisis at the Border

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Among the recent border-crossers, who are transported by bus to detention centers, where they remain for 72 hours and then are released to travel where they wish, many are carrying the coronavirus. Thus, what’s shaping up on the border is not only a national security crisis but a national survival …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Trump’s Crucial Test at San Ysidro

Mass migration “lit the flame” of the right-wing populism that is burning up the Old Continent, she said. Europe must “get a handle on it.”

“Europe must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support.'” Should Europe fail to toughen up, illegal migration will never cease to “roil the body politic.”

And who is the lady who issued the dire warning and dispensed the tough-love advice to Europe? Marine Le Pen?

No. It is Hillary Clinton, spouse of the Great Triangulator.

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Mass Migration: Mortal Threat to Red State America

Mass Migration: Mortal Threat to Red State America

Among the reasons Donald Trump is president is that his natural political instincts are superior to those of any other current figure.

As campaign 2018 entered its final week, Trump seized upon and elevated the single issue that most energizes his populist base and most convulses our media elite.

Warning of an “invasion,” he pointed to the migrant caravan that had come out of Honduras and was wending its way through Mexico. He then threatened to issue an executive order ending birthright citizenship.

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Caravan Puts Trump Legacy on the Line

Caravan Puts Trump Legacy on the Line

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Our mainstream media remain consumed with the grisly killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and how President Donald Trump will deal with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Understandably so, for this is the most riveting murder story since O.J. Simpson and has strategic …

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Has the West the Will to Survive?

Has the West the Will to Survive?

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“If you’re … pathetically weak, the country is going to be overrun with millions of people, and if you’re strong, then you don’t have any heart, that’s a tough dilemma. … I’d rather be strong.” So said President Donald Trump, on issuing his order halting the separation of children from …

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