How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America

How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America

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The name of the game now is an old one: divide et impera, divide and conquer. Biden hopes to split “mainstream Republicans” off from “MAGA Republicans” … Indeed, the catalogue of sins and crimes Biden attributes to MAGA Republicans — extremism, violence, mendacity, authoritarianism — not only raises a question …

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Dobbs and Joseph Sobran

Dobbs and Joseph Sobran

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by FRANCIS P. SEMPA at The American Spectator Let us pay tribute to the late essayist and his brilliant writing for the “Human Life Review.” In 1983, 10 years after the Supreme Court, in what Justice Byron White called an “exercise of raw judicial power” untethered to the Constitution, overturned …

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Who Decides What Kids Should Be Taught?

Who Decides What Kids Should Be Taught?

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Do parents have no right to object if the tenets of critical race theory — that America is shot through with “systemic racism,” that whites are privileged from birth and blacks oppressed — are taught as truth about the country to which they have given their loyalty and love? Virginia …

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Can Poland Be Poland -- and Stay in the EU?

Can Poland Be Poland — and Stay in the EU?

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The questions raised by the rebellious Poles are fundamental: Which takes precedence, when they come into conflict, Poland’s constitution and Poland’s laws, or the laws of the European Union? “Let Poland be Poland!” That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader …

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Biden Becomes a Bernie Sanders Democrat?

Biden Becomes a Bernie Sanders Democrat?

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When Biden reached the Hill, however, he threw in with the hostage-takers. He asked for a delay in House passage of his own infrastructure bill, until the demands of the progressives were addressed and met… Biden had ditched the Biden Democrats and cast his lot with Sanders & Co. “We’ve …

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Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?

Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?

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Biden will be pressed to speak to the issue of abortion and the bishops’ decision to deny him Communion. His attendance at Mass and taking Communion will become matters of deepening controversy… And he will be charged with hypocrisy — for pretending to be the kind of Catholic that a …

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Who Speaks for the Unborn in Massachusetts?

Who Speaks for the Unborn in Massachusetts?

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Former New England Patriots’ star, Benjamin Watson, a pro-lifer, described the absurdity of what the legislature did. A teenage girl still needs her parents’ permission to get a Tylenol from the school nurse, but she doesn’t need permission to have an abortion and kill their grandchild. In its most recent …

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America: a Land of Ceaseless Conflict

America: a Land of Ceaseless Conflict

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What these episodes suggest is that the idea of bipartisan comity, or some new era of national unity should Biden win, is self-delusion. When Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to a judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals in 2017, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was taken aback by the Notre Dame …

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