Alito 5 Must Stay the Course By Patrick Buchanan

Alito 5 Must Stay the Course

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Pro-abortion Democrats say a woman’s “right to choose” must remain paramount and sacrosanct. But the “right to choose” what? As President Joe Biden just described it bluntly this week, it is the right to choose to “abort a child.” In February, five Supreme Court Justices voted in camera to overturn …

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America: a Land of Ceaseless Conflict

America: a Land of Ceaseless Conflict

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What these episodes suggest is that the idea of bipartisan comity, or some new era of national unity should Biden win, is self-delusion. When Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to a judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals in 2017, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was taken aback by the Notre Dame …

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Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

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Trump has four weeks to turn it around. And his task, while easy to describe, is not so easy to accomplish. He needs to persuade undecided and soft Biden voters that Joe is simply not up to the job of president. What a difference a week can make. Saturday, Sept. …

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Will Justice Amy Star in 'The Five'?

Will Justice Amy Star in ‘The Five’?

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America’s court wars, in which the coming battle over Barrett’s nomination may prove decisive, go back half a century. By nominating Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Donald Trump kept his word, and more than that. Should she be confirmed, he will have made history. Even his …

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All the Chips Are on the Table Now

All the Chips Are on the Table Now

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On the court issue, Democrats are exhibiting something akin to panic. They are warning that if a conservative jurist like Barrett is confirmed, Democrats may retaliate by “packing” the Supreme Court — increasing the number of justices from nine to 11 and installing two new liberals — if they win …

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Last Best Chance to Capture Supreme Court

Last Best Chance to Capture Supreme Court

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Are there Republicans who would really walk away from this last, best chance to secure the court, simply because the process offends their sense of proper procedure? This may be a hard vote for Murkowski, Collins and a few other Republicans. But to vote down a qualified conservative nominee, on …

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