Pat Buchanan

Pitchfork Politics

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From The Economist A pioneer of Trump-style populism wonders if it can succeed in today’s America BEFORE Donald Trump, there was Patrick Buchanan. More than two decades before Mr Trump kicked over the Republican tea table, Mr Buchanan, a former speechwriter and White House aide to Presidents Richard Nixon and …

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Is Trump the new Pat Buchanan?

VIDEO: Is Trump the New Pat Buchanan?

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CNN’s Michael Smerconish asks Pat Buchanan about his ideas being carried forward by Donald Trump, and what Trump’s chances are in the 2016 race.

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Winners and Losers 2015

Winners & Losers: 2015

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Each year, “The McLaughlin Group,” the longest-running panel show on national TV, which began in 1982, announces its awards for the winners and losers and the best and the worst of the year. Rereading my list of 39 awardees suggests something about how our world is changing. As “Person of …

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Can Trump Be Stopped?

Can Trump Be Stopped?

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Three months ago, this writer sent out a column entitled, “Could Trump Win?” meaning the Republican nomination. Today even the Trump deniers concede the possibility. And the emerging question has become: “Can Trump be stopped? And if so, where, and by whom?” Consider the catbird seat in which The Donald …

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Don't Take Your Guns to Town, Paul

Don’t Take Your Guns to Town, Paul

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The honor of it all aside, Rep. Paul Ryan would do well to decline the speakership of the House. For it is a poisoned chalice that is being offered to him. The Republican Party is not, as some commentators wail, in “chaos” today. It is in rebellion, in revolt, as …

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Pat Buchanan Was Right

Pat Buchanan Was Right – On the Iraq War, Abortion, Trade Deals and More

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By Craig Shirley – You can’t say he didn’t warn us. Pat Buchanan, the conservative political commentator and former senior adviser to Ronald Reagan, warned against going to war for Kuwait. He warned against the siren song of unfavorable trade deals. He warned against political correctness. And he warned …

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Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?

Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?

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Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Since China devalued its currency 3 percent, global markets have gone into a tailspin. Why should this be? After all, 3 percent devaluation in China could be countered by a U.S. tariff of 3 percent on all goods made in China, and the tariff revenue used …

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Pat Buchanan

GOP Elites Call for Purge of Trump

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In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump refused to commit to support whomever the Republican Party nominates in 2016. Trump would be wise to maintain his freedom of action. For there is a plot afoot in The Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries …

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