Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

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Is America still the world’s last superpower with global policing obligations? Or should we shuck off this imperial role and make America, again, in Jeane Kirkpatrick’s phrase, “a normal country in a normal time”? “Let someone else fight over this long blood-stained sand,” said President Donald Trump in an impassioned …

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Who Won, and Who Lost, World War II?

Who Won, and Who Lost, World War II?

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Given the cause for which their country went to war, British actions during the war seem inexplicable. Sunday, the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, Vice President Mike Pence spoke in Warsaw’s Pilsudski Square of “five decades of untold suffering and death that followed” the invasion. Five decades! …

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Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

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Never let a crisis go to waste is an old political adage. And this crowd of candidates was not going to let that happen. It was two days of contrast that tell us about America 2019. In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders of Saturday and …

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Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

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If this is the level of discourse from Beto and Bernie, 2020 looks to be one of the ugliest campaigns in American history. During an Iowa town hall last week, “Beto” O’Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as right out …

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Christmas 2018: Not the Worst of Times

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“Deck the halls with boughs of holly,” goes the old Christmas carol. “‘Tis the season to be jolly.” Yet if there were a couplet less befitting the mood of this capital city, I am unaware of it. “The wheels are coming off,” was a common commentary on the Trump presidency …

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Why the Authoritarian Right Is Rising

Why the Authoritarian Right Is Rising

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A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country’s constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban’s campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban’s commitments were to halt any further surrenders …

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Fatal Delusions of Western Man

Fatal Delusions of Western Man

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“We got China wrong. Now what?” ran the headline over the column in The Washington Post. “Remember how American engagement with China was going to make that communist backwater more like the democratic, capitalist West?” asked Charles Lane in his opening sentence. America’s elites believed that economic engagement and the …

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Fake News and War Party Lies

Fake News and War Party Lies

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“I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’s government — by the planners of the New World Order,” FDR told the nation in his Navy Day radio address of Oct. 27, 1941. “It is a map of South America as Hitler proposes to reorganize it. …

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