A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

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Where was Biden when Trump was standing up for America on Independence Day? As his Party tweeted that Trump’s trip to Mount Rushmore was aimed at “glorifying white supremacy,” Biden was wailing about the need “to rip the roots of systemic racism” out of America. Speaking at Mount Rushmore on …

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Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

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Consider what else the radicals and rioters have accomplished. They have made mass civil disobedience an acceptable and even praiseworthy form of protest, if you are justifiably outraged. They have won near-immunity for burning and looting stores. Blanket amnesties at the state and city level appear to be in the …

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Now It's Woodrow Wilson's Turn

Now It’s Woodrow Wilson’s Turn

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Wilson’s support of segregation was a matter of record in his own time and is a subject about which every biographer and historian of that period has been aware. When did Princeton discover that this Southern-born president, the most famous son in the school’s history, like so many of his …

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Biden's Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

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If Biden emerges, then he will have to answer why all these institutions where his party and people are predominant — the media, Hollywood, the academic community, public schools, big-city governments, the big foundations, the federal bureaucracy — are apparently shot through with systemic racism after decades of Democratic dominance. …

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Fauci vs. Trump -- Who's Right?

Fauci vs. Trump — Who’s Right?

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Ultimately, Fauci is not “The Decider” here. Trump is. “We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” said President Donald Trump Monday, as he supported the opening of the U.S. economy before the shutdown plunges us into a deep and lasting depression. Tuesday, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s …

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What Price Victory -- in the Coronavirus War?

What Price Victory — in the Coronavirus War?

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What does this deliberate decision to shut down the country and carpet-bomb our own economy, upon which we all depend, tell us about what we Americans value? The same day the number of U.S. dead from the coronavirus disease hit the 15,000 mark, we also crossed the 15 million mark …

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Must We Kill the Economy to Kill the Virus?

Must We Kill the Economy to Kill the Virus?

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How long can the shutdown be sustained if the necessities of life for the unemployed and unpaid begin to run out? Is it necessary to create an economic and social crisis to solve the medical crisis? “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself,” tweeted the president …

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Is Mass Civil Disobedience Our Future?

Is Mass Civil Disobedience Our Future?

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Virginia gun owners believe their moral obligation to protect families, friends and themselves in a violent society justifies their right to keep and carry firearms, no matter what the Virginia legislature says. On the holiday set aside in 2020 to honor Martin Luther King, the premier advocate of nonviolent Gandhian …

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