Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

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If this is the level of discourse from Beto and Bernie, 2020 looks to be one of the ugliest campaigns in American history. During an Iowa town hall last week, “Beto” O’Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as right out …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Trump Should Close NATO Membership Rolls

Trump Should Close NATO Membership Rolls

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“Among neocon and GOP interventionists, there has also long been a vocal constituency for bringing Ukraine into NATO…” When Donald Trump meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg today, the president should give him a direct message: The roster of NATO membership is closed. For good. The United States will …

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Must the West Beg the World for Forgiveness?

Must the West Beg the World for Forgiveness?

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Are all civilizations and cultures equal, or are some more equal than others? As the Democratic Party quarrels over reparations for slavery, a new and related issue has arisen, raised by the president of Mexico. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has written Pope Francis I and King Felipe VI to demand …

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Russiagate -- a Bright, Shining Lie

Russiagate — a Bright, Shining Lie

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The instigators of this investigation, launched to bring down a president, have damaged and divided this nation, and they need to be exposed, as do their collaborators in the press. “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with …

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Why Joe May Be Courting Stacey

Why Joe May Be Courting Stacey

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How, with a record like this, does Biden inoculate himself against attacks by rival candidates, especially candidates of color, in his run for the nomination? Of 895 slots in the freshman class of Stuyvesant High in New York City, seven were offered this year to black students, down from 10 …

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Who Spawned the Christchurch Killer?

Who Spawned the Christchurch Killer?

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Does the vision of America as a country where white racism is rampant and an unleashed white nationalism is a scourge that is running amok correspond with reality? Last Friday, in Christchurch, New Zealand, one of the more civilized places on earth, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, an Australian, turned on his …

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Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

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Our Founding Fathers, too, were ever alert to the dangers of dual loyalty. “We can’t be divided by race, religion, by tribe. We’re defined by those enduring principles in the Constitution, even though we don’t necessarily all know them.” So Joe Biden told the firefighters union this week. But does …

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