Alone Perhaps, But Is Trump Right?

Alone Perhaps, But Is Trump Right?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…At the G-20 in Hamburg, it is said, President Trump was isolated, without support from the other G-20 members, especially on climate change and trade. Perhaps so. But the crucial question is not whether Trump is alone, but whether he is right. Has …

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Patching It Up With Putin

Patching It Up With Putin

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…President Donald Trump flew off for his first meeting with Vladimir Putin — with instructions from our foreign policy elite that he get into the Russian president’s face over his hacking in the election of 2016. Hopefully, Trump will ignore these people. For …

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Is America Still a Nation?

Is America Still a Nation?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…In the first line of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson speaks of “one people.” The Constitution, agreed upon by the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1789, begins, “We the people…” And who were these “people”? In Federalist No. …

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An America First Korea Policy

An America First Korea Policy

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“The North Korean regime is causing tremendous problems and is something that has to be dealt with, and probably dealt with rapidly.” So President Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden this week. But how this is to be done “rapidly” is not …

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Are Illinois & Puerto Rico Our Future?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…If Gov. Bruce Rauner and his legislature in Springfield do not put a budget together by Friday, the Land of Lincoln will be the first state in the Union to see its debt plunge into junk-bond status. Illinois has $14.5 billion in overdue …

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The Passing of the Pelosi Era

The Passing of the Pelosi Era

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…In the first round of the special election for the House seat in Georgia’s Sixth District, 30-year-old Jon Ossoff swept 48 percent. He more than doubled the vote of his closest GOP rival, Karen Handel. A Peach State pickup for the Democrats and …

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After the ISIS War, a US-Russia Collision?

After the ISIS War, a US-Russia Collision?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Sunday, a Navy F-18 Hornet shot down a Syrian air force jet, an act of war against a nation with which Congress has never declared or authorized a war. Washington says the Syrian plane was bombing U.S.-backed rebels. Damascus says its plane was …

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A Long History of Leftist Hatred

A Long History of Leftist Hatred

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life as a mass murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and a Bernie Sanders backer. Like many before him, Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and hard …

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