VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – January 14, 2018

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Have something to say about this video? Visit Pat's FaceBook page and post your comments…. Do You Appreciate Reading OurEmails and Website?Let us know how we are doing –Send us a Thank You Via Paypal! Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's …

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Little Rocket Man Wins the Round

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…By Patrick Buchanan After a year in which he tested a hydrogen bomb and an ICBM, threatened to destroy the United States, and called President Trump “a dotard,” Kim Jong Un, at the gracious invitation of the president of South Korea, will be …

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What Is America's Mission Now?

What Is America’s Mission Now?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Informing Iran, “The U.S. is watching what you do,” Amb. Nikki Haley called an emergency meeting Friday of the Security Council regarding the riots in Iran. The session left her and us looking ridiculous. France’s ambassador tutored Haley that how nations deal with …

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VIDEO: The McLaughlin Group – January 7, 2017

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…We are extremely pleased to announce The McLaughlin Group, “The American Original” for over three decades, the sharpest minds, best sources, and hardest talk, returns on Sundays at 12:00 Noon on ABC7-WJLA beginning January 7 – and on Pat’s website, right here on …

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Fire Bell in the Night for the Ayatollah

Fire Bell in the Night for the Ayatollah

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…As tens of thousands marched in the streets of Tehran on Wednesday in support of the regime, the head of the Revolutionary Guard Corps assured Iranians the “sedition” had been defeated. Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari is whistling past the graveyard. The protests …

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The Times Rides to Mueller's Rescue

The Times Rides to Mueller’s Rescue

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…What caused the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in July 2016, which evolved into the criminal investigation that is said today to imperil the Trump presidency? As James Comey’s FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller have, for 18 …

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Will War Cancel Trump's Triumphs?

Will War Cancel Trump’s Triumphs?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Asked what he did during the French Revolution, Abbe Sieyes replied, “I survived.” Donald Trump can make the same boast. No other political figure has so dominated our discourse. And none, not Joe McCarthy in his heyday in the early ’50s, nor Richard …

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Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?

Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…The original question the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign was to answer was a simple one: Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, …

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