Political Correctness vs. National Security

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… – January 11, 2002 Is political correctness acquiring such a hold on the American mind as to constitute a threat to national survival? The question is not asked in jest. For consider, if you will, the latest charges of “racial profiling” laid …

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How to Mau-Mau a Harvard Don

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… – January 8, 2002 For students interested in learning how to conduct a first-class shakedown, few finer examples exist than the recent de-pantsing of the president of Harvard, Larry Summers. A thing of beauty it was, and here is how it went …

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War Party vs. the Constitution

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… – January 4, 2002 With the Taliban dethroned and Osama dead or on the run, the War Party has begun pulling down the invasion maps of Iraq. Op-ed pages and the little magazines are in full blossom with fresh war plans. One …

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Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always …

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Argentina: Another IMF Debacle

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always …

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Peace Plan for the Holy Land

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… – December 27, 2001 Two thousand years after the first Christmas, Israeli tanks were firing in Manger Square in Bethlehem and Jewish children were being massacred by suicide-bombers in Jerusalem. The city of Christ’s birth and the city of his death were …

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The Abolition of Christmas

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…When I was a boy, Kensington was a village half an hour north of Chevy Chase Circle where, inside an ice-cold armory, Catholic kids practiced basketball. Montgomery County was a bedroom suburb of D.C. Nothing beyond existed, except for the Rockville drive-in. This …

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Free Trade: Pied Piper of Global Government

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“John M. Culbertson, an economist known for mounting an articulate defense of protectionist economic policy long after the tenets of free trade were de rigueur among his colleagues, died on Sunday, in Madison, Wis. He was 80.” So read Sunday’s obit in The …

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