The Weimar Solution

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency,” said Lord Keynes. Ben Bernanke disagrees. A student of the Depression, the Fed chair appears far more fearful of deflation — a vicious cycle of falling prices, debt defaults, home …

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Systemic Failure

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…As the U.S. financial crisis broadens and deepens, wiping out the wealth and savings of tens of millions, destroying hopes and dreams, it is hard not to see in all of this history’s verdict upon this generation. We have been weighed in the …

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Of Patriots and Assassins

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…During Nixon’s historic trip to China in 1972, his interpreter and I, free for a few hours, conscripted a driver to take us on a tour of Beijing. Somewhere in my files are photos from that day we toured the grim city of …

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A Sellout of Our Unemployed

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…By the choices we make we define ourselves. We reveal our biases and beliefs. And so, too, do our institutions. In writing the $789 billion stimulus bill, Congress revealed that, for all its “Buy American” blather, it does not truly put America first. …

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Lyndon Baines Obama

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…It was the winter of conservative discontent. Barry Goldwater had gotten only 38 percent of the vote, and his party had suffered its worst thrashing since Alf Landon fell to FDR in 1936. Democrats held 295 House seats, Republicans 140. They held 68 …

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Afghanistan South

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Heeding the advice of Gen. David Petraeus, Barack Obama has committed 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan and will keep 50,000 in Iraq after U.S. combat operations end in August 2010. But are U.S. vital interests more threatened by what happens in Anbar or …

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Pitchfork Time

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…In his campaign and inaugural address, Barack Obama cast himself as a moderate man seeking common ground with conservatives. Yet, his budget calls for the radical restructuring of the U.S. economy, a sweeping redistribution of power and wealth to government and Democratic constituencies. …

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Return of the War Party

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Real men go to Tehran!” brayed the neoconservatives, after the success of their propaganda campaign to have America march on Baghdad and into an unnecessary war that has forfeited all the fruits of our Cold War victory. Now they are back, in pursuit …

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