The Affirmative Action Nobel

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All my life, said Voltaire, I have had but one prayer: “O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous. And God granted it.”

In awarding the Nobel Prize for Peace to Barack Obama, the Nobel committee has just made itself look ridiculous.

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Hire Americans First

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by Patrick J. Buchanan

September’s un- employment figures were not only disappointing — they were grim. For the 21st straight month, Americans lost jobs. Fifteen million are out of work — 5 million for more than six months.

But as the Washington Times asserts, “America’s jobless crisis is much worse than the 9.8 percent unemployment rate.”

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The Generals’ War

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…The Pentagon’s pre-emptive strike came with the leak of Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s confidential review of the Afghan war to Bob Woodward of The Washington Post. McChrystal’s painting of the military picture was grim. “Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in …

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Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars

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Impending today are two of the most critical decisions Barack Obama will ever make, which may determine the fate of his presidency, as well as the future of the United States in the Near and Middle East.

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Is Iran Nearing a Bomb?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan

That Iran is building a secret underground facility near the holy city of Qom, under custody of the Revolutionary Guard — too small to be a production center for nuclear fuel, but just right for the enrichment of uranium to weapons grade — is grounds for concern, but not panic.

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To Lose a War

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“While America was consumed this summer with quarrels over town-hall radicals, “death panels”, the “public option” and racism’s role in the plunging polls of Barack, what happens to health care is not going to change the history of the world.” What happens in …

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Black Sea Wars

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by Patrick J. Buchanan

In August, the Georgian navy seized a Turkish tanker carrying fuel to Abkhazia, Georgia’s former province whose declaration of independence a year ago is recognized by Russia but not the West.

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Race and Stupidity

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by Patrick J. Buchanan

God save me from my friends — I can take care of my enemies.

So President Obama must be muttering today.

Ten days ago, the president played his ace of trumps.

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