No Apologies Needed, Mitt

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Mitt Romney has conceded that his thoughts, expressed at that Boca Raton, Fla., fundraiser, were “not elegantly” stated. Those mocking him might concede he has tabled one of the mega-issues of our time. Can America continue down the path President Obama is taking …

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The Irreconcilable Conflict

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, “Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat.” Thus did Kipling, the Poet of Empire, caution the British about the Eastern world the Victorians and Edwardians …

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Is It Time to Come Home?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Is it not long past time to do a cost-benefit analysis of our involvement in the Middle and Near East? In this brief century alone, we have fought the two longest wars in our history there, put our full moral authority behind an …

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Has Obama Called Bibi’s Bluff?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…What is Bibi Netanyahu up to? With all his warnings of Iran‘s “nuclear capability,” of red lines being crossed, of “breakout,” of the international community failing in its duty, of an “existential threat” to Israel, what is the prime minister’s game? The answer …

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A Godless Party Expels the Creator

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…The authors of the Democratic platform have inadvertently revealed to the world the sea change that has taken place in that party we once knew. For the first time — and in the longest Democratic platform in history, 26,000 words — there was …

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Last Recourse of Failed Presidents

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Both the 20th and 21st centuries have seen failed presidencies. William Howard Taft lost in 1912, though he might have retained office had not his old friend and former leader Theodore Roosevelt run as a third party Bull Moose candidate and won more …

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The ‘Large Purpose’ of Romney-Ryan

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose,” said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural, 100 years ago. The Republican Party of Richard Nixon was called to power in 1968 …

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Last Hurrah of Nixon’s ‘New Majority’?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Looking back all the way to America’s Civil War, there have been three dominant presidential coalitions. The first was Abraham Lincoln’s. With his war to restore the Union and his martyrdom, Lincoln inaugurated an era of Republican dominance that lasted more than …

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