How Many Syrians Should We Kill

America Says ‘No!’ to a Beltway War

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Last week, hell came to the tiny Christian village of Maaloula where they still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. “Rebels of the Free Syrian Army launched an assault aided by a suicide bomber from Jabhat al-Nusra,” the al-Qaida-linked Islamic terrorist group, writes …

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Just Whose War is This?

Just Whose War Is This?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Wednesday, John Kerry told the Senate not to worry about the cost of an American war on Syria. The Saudis and Gulf Arabs, cash-fat on the $110-a-barrel oil they sell U.S. consumers, will pick up the tab for the Tomahawk missiles. Has it …

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No Syrian War to Save Obamas Face

No Syrian War to Save Obama’s Face!

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Make America Think Again! - Share Pat's Columns...

Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Catastrophic!” said Sen. John McCain. If Congress votes no on a resolution calling for U.S. intervention in Syria’s civil war, says McCain, it would be “catastrophic” for U.S. credibility in the world. Consider what the senator is saying here. Because Barack Obama, two …

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Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President

Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…The next 72 hours will be decisive in the career of the speaker of the House. The alternatives he faces are these: John Boehner can, after “consultation,” give his blessing to Barack Obama’s decision to launch a war on Syria, a nation that …

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Congress Should Veto Obamas War

Congress Should Veto Obama’s War

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Congress doesn’t have a whole lot of core responsibilities,” said Barack Obama last week in an astonishing remark. For in the Constitution, Congress appears as the first branch of government. And among its enumerated powers are the power to tax, coin money, create …

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Dead Souls of a Cultural Revolution

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell. Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The latter said they were bored …

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Who Owns the Future

Who Owns the Future?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…In the near term, bet on the men with the guns. The Egyptian Army, being slowly squeezed out of its central role in the nation’s life by Mohammed Morsi, waited for the moment to oust the elected president and crush his Muslim Brotherhood. …

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Egypts Army Crosses the Rubicon

Egypt’s Army Crosses the Rubicon

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Make America Think Again! - Share Pat's Columns...

Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Sire, clear the square with gunfire or abdicate.” That was the message one of his generals gave the young czar Nicholas I in December of 1825, as thousands of civilians and soldiers massed in Senate Square to challenge his claim to the throne. …

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