Congress Saves Wall Street’s Bacon

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Would Congress bail out D.C. if the city faced fiscal collapse? Rep. Dick Armey was asked in late December. Armey’s tough reply “Shucks, no. I’m still sore about New York City and Chrysler.” No bailout for D.C. No bailout for Orange County. That was the policy line of our brawny …

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1996 Announcement Speech

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Speech at Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences It is good to be back home again. As you know, Shelley and I spent 10 wonderful weeks here in the winter of 1992, and we will never forget your generosity and your support when we came up here to New Hampshire, …

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Let the People Rule

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This term limits movement has a whiff of revolution about it. We want to overthrow America’s ruling class… As the House and Senate mull over which version of “term limits” to write into a constitutional amendment, Republicans should realize this issue is now about more, much more, than term limits. …

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A Contract With the Unborn

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Patrick J. Buchanan delivered the following speech January 21, 1995, at the Concord Auditorium, on behalf of New Hampshire Right to Life. The speech immediately followed the New Hampshire March for Life. The Washington Post and New York Times and CBS did not much note one of the greatest things …

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How the Peso Plug Was Pulled

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After one of his great reforms had miscarried, Britain’s Whig Prime Minister Lord Melbourne exploded: “Nothing that the wise men promised has happened, and everything the damn fools said would happen has come to pass!” Well, it sure looks like the “damn fools” were right on the North American Free …

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Foreign Aid: Ever With Us

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As for that $5 billion we send Israel and Egypt every year, it is more money than Ronald Reagan ever spent, in any single year, for SDI, a missile defense for the U.S. If national security is our concern, would it not make more sense to shift that $5 billion …

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The Isolationist Myth

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High among the falsehoods is that ‘free trade’ made America prosperous and protectionism always made her poor… Poor Smoot and Hawley. They get it every time. During the closing hours of GATT debate, their names were everywhere: Reed Smoot and Willis Hawley, architects of that dreadful, ruinous tariff bill of …

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Clinton’s GOP Vanguard

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GATT is the Magna Carta of the Multinationals. It subordinates everything, from U.S. sovereignty to social stability, to trade. GATT empowers transnational companies to shut down U.S. plants, move factories overseas, hire foreign workers at 10 percent of the U.S. pay, and ship their products back here…..What we gain as …

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