Hillary Tries the “O.J. Defense”

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Like Johnnie Cochran and the “dream team” that prevented justice from being done in the O.J. Simpson trial, Hillary Clinton seems to have mastered the “O.J. defense.” The essence of this defense is first to change the subject from the guilt of the accused to the character of the accusers, …

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Where Are We Going in the Gulf?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – January 29, 1998 The drums are beating for another American war in the Persian Gulf. Republicans assure Bill Clinton of total backing if he launches air strikes against Iraq. Three U.S. carriers rendezvous in the Gulf in February. Madeleine Albright flies off to tell Europe: …

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The Breaking of the President

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – January 22, 1998 The saddest of commentaries on the Clinton presidency is that on the first day of his greatest political and personal crisis, no one really believed him — not even his own loyalists. The White House staff was stunned and demoralized the instant …

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The GOP Double Standard on Infanticide

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – January 19, 1998 How does the party justify raising money from right-to-life folks and then using their dollars to elect candidates who support third-trimester abortions? How do Republicans now answer the press taunt: “You denounce Clinton for his stand on partial-birth abortions, but you yourselves …

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Detente in the Gulf?

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When the Americans, like the British before them, grow weary of their imperial duties and sail away, Iran will dominate the Persian Gulf. It is ordained. No nation in the region can match Iran’s size, population or power. George Bush’s war that smashed Iraq and the U.S.-led embargo blockade that …

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Atheists in the Cub Scout Den

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The opening lines of the Boy Scout oath run thus: “I promise to do my best / To do my duty to God and my country. In 1991, 9-year-old twins Michael and William Randall of Anaheim Hills, Calif., refused to take the oath, or to acknowledge any duty to God. …

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Are the Days of Wine and Roses Over?

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While Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin is winning applause for shoveling $10 billion into South Korea to avert a default, it is clear neither he nor the IMF saw this crisis coming. Their soothing assurances have about them a ring of hollowness and trepidation… As 1997 ends, even William Jefferson Clinton’s …

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The Policeman of the Balkans

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – December 22, 1997 Those who warned that the U.S. troop commitment to Bosnia risked an open-ended entanglement in the Balkans were right. Bill Clinton has now confirmed that U.S. troops will remain indefinitely. No plan, no strategy, no timetable exists for their withdrawal. What are …

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