Woodrow W. Bush

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – June 10, 2002 President Bush is engaged in feverish diplomacy to stop an India-Pakistan war. He is mulling over an “American Plan” to end the Israeli-Palestinian war. And he has just sent his secretary of defense to NATO to line up allies to launch an …

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American Roots of 21st Century Wars

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – June 5, 2002 “Ideas Have Consequences” was written by the young conservative scholar Richard Weaver, after he had witnessed the carnage World War II had visited upon his civilization. And if we look about the borderlands of Islam – Chechnya, Kashmir, the West Bank – …

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It’s the Immigration Stupid!

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – June 3, 2002 “As waves of immigration from the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Mideast, and black nations of sub-Sahara rise, crest and crash into Europe, the immigration issue will become more explosive.” So I wrote only months ago in “Death of the …

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What Price the American Empire?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – May 29, 2002 Last week, Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld warned that more terror attacks are a certainty and may involve the detonation of an atomic weapon on American soil. They have concentrated the mind wonderfully. Even a small, crude nuclear device, exploded in …

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The ‘No-Whites-Need-Apply’ Caucus

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – May 24, 2002 Last month, an intriguing little congressional pow-wow was clandestinely held – no press invited – in the Northern Virginia town of Leesburg. It was a 3-day conference, and attendance appears to have been restricted by ethnicity and race. But this was not …

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Piling on the President

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We need to raise the tenor of the debate in Washington and place national security interests before party interests. The alacrity and glee with which Democrats and their Big Media allies piled on President Bush – over the leak that he had been alerted to an al-Qaida sky-jacking plot in …

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To Live and Die in LA

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – May 17, 2002 As Congress mounts yet another attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens – as Mexican President Fox demands and President Bush insists – the new face of America is taking shape. Sifting through Census data from Year 2000, three writers …

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End the Embargo on Cuba

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – May 14, 2002 “The commonest error in politics is sticking to the carcasses of dead policies,” observed Lord Salisbury, the prime minister who presided over Britain’s rapprochement with the United States. Lord Salisbury was right. It is time the United States reviewed its policy of …

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