Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

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About the morality and justice of the rampage of rioting in the wake of Floyd’s death, and the sole riot at the Capitol, the media are the self-anointed judges. They decide which riots are benign and which are malignant, which should receive an empathetic response, and which should end with …

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Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End

Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End

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Yet, when it comes to interfering in the affairs of other nations, how sinless, how blameless, are we Americans? When it was learned in 2016 that Russia may have hacked the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and passed the fruits on to WikiLeaks to aid candidate Donald Trump, …

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Who Are the True 'Domestic Terrorists'?

Who Are the True ‘Domestic Terrorists’?

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The truth: The vast majority of criminals who rob, rape, shoot and kill Americans in the tens of thousands each year, and the people who did almost all of the rioting, looting, arson and assaults on cops in 2020, never wore MAGA hats. “Never allow a good crisis (to) go …

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Is the Establishment Still Terrified of Trump?

Is the Establishment Still Terrified of Trump?

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The establishment fears that Trump could make a comeback, win the Republican primaries in 2024, become the nominee, and return in triumph as president. They are determined to abort that possibility. Many openly admit it. As soon as the Senate received the lone article of impeachment accusing President Donald Trump …

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Coexistence or Cold War with China?

Coexistence or Cold War with China?

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Under Xi Jinping, said Blinken, China seeks to “become the leading country in the world — the country that sets the norms, that sets the standards.” In short, China’s geostrategic goal is to replace the U.S.-created world order with a new world order of its own. “The United States acknowledges …

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Biden's America: One Nation or Us Versus Them?

Biden’s America: One Nation or Us Versus Them?

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On inauguration night, antifa mobs attacked the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland and torched American flags in Seattle, the same kind of left-wing mobs that gave us a long hot summer of rioting, looting and arson… Has Biden ever condemned by name these mobs the way he did the mob …

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Now, the Left Owns It All

Now, the Left Owns It All

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In anticipation of Wednesday’s inauguration, 25,000 National Guard have been deployed in and around D.C. to defend against right-wing mobs or would-be assassins. Three or four times as many troops are here in D.C. as there are U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria combined. That mob that split off …

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The Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump

The Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump

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Trump not only defeated the establishment in 2016. He got 74 million votes for a second term. Then, he defiantly refused to recognize that his defeat was fairly accomplished. Trump is hated because he will not play the role the left has assigned to him in its historic morality play, …

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