Puerto Rican Statehood: A Path to Disunion

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Why are Republicans pushing it? The politics of pander aside, there is money involved. Transnational corporations want another large pool of low-wage labor near the United States, so they can unload more of their high-paid American workers. So they have rented out the services of “conservative” lobbyists… Well, our giant …

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Hillary Tries the “O.J. Defense”

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Like Johnnie Cochran and the “dream team” that prevented justice from being done in the O.J. Simpson trial, Hillary Clinton seems to have mastered the “O.J. defense.” The essence of this defense is first to change the subject from the guilt of the accused to the character of the accusers, …

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Detente in the Gulf?

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When the Americans, like the British before them, grow weary of their imperial duties and sail away, Iran will dominate the Persian Gulf. It is ordained. No nation in the region can match Iran’s size, population or power. George Bush’s war that smashed Iraq and the U.S.-led embargo blockade that …

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Atheists in the Cub Scout Den

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The opening lines of the Boy Scout oath run thus: “I promise to do my best / To do my duty to God and my country. In 1991, 9-year-old twins Michael and William Randall of Anaheim Hills, Calif., refused to take the oath, or to acknowledge any duty to God. …

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Are the Days of Wine and Roses Over?

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While Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin is winning applause for shoveling $10 billion into South Korea to avert a default, it is clear neither he nor the IMF saw this crisis coming. Their soothing assurances have about them a ring of hollowness and trepidation… As 1997 ends, even William Jefferson Clinton’s …

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Dishonoring Our Fathers

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“First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen” was the tribute of “Light-Horse Harry” Lee on the death of his old chief, the greatest American of his age, George Washington. Two centuries later, the father of his country has become an embarrassment to some …

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No More Bailouts — Abolish the IMF!

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If the people of South Korea were starving, Americans would send food. If they were victims of a natural disaster, an earthquake or typhoon, planeloads of American doctors and nurses, shiploads of medicine and supplies, would be instantly on the way. But Asia’s financial crisis is not a natural disaster; …

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The Isolation of America

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With Russia’s Yevgeny Primakov, the ex-KGB chief, emerging as the “honest broker” between the United States and Iraq, it must be clear now, even at the White House, that U.S. Middle East policy is in a shambles. Saddam Hussein is breaking out of his isolation; the Russians are back in …

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