The Earthquake in France

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“Non” screamed the single-word headline in Liberation. “The French political system, tottering for years, has imploded,” howled the editorial. Now, any election that can produce that kind of pain on the Trotskyite-Socialist Left cannot be all bad. And the stunning showing of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who ran a close second …

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A Bush Amnesty for a Mexican Army

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The Bush amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, rushed through the House Tuesday night, will undermine both the rule of law and the moral authority of the United States in the world. As the world knows, U.S. immigration laws are being daily mocked and violated. No one is …

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The Sad Suicide of Admiral Nimitz

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– January 18, 2002 The name of Chester W. Nimitz is legendary in the annals of naval warfare. In June 1942, Admiral Nimitz commanded the U.S. forces assigned to block a Japanese invasion of Midway. In the Battle of Midway, Nimitz’s fighter-bombers caught the Japanese fleet off guard, as its …

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Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent

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“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always understood this. The right never does, until …

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Argentina: Another IMF Debacle

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“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always understood this. The right never does, until …

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The Abolition of Christmas

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When I was a boy, Kensington was a village half an hour north of Chevy Chase Circle where, inside an ice-cold armory, Catholic kids practiced basketball. Montgomery County was a bedroom suburb of D.C. Nothing beyond existed, except for the Rockville drive-in. This fall, both precincts became world-famous as citadels …

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The Trojan Horse of Global Tyranny

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The notion of a world government to defend our rights would have sent the founding fathers running for their muskets. As every schoolchild used to know, the Trojan Horse was the scheme of the “wily Ulysses,” one of the Greek warriors besieging Troy. For a decade, the Greeks had failed …

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Is America Ashamed of Its Christian Past?

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Five days after declaring war on terrorism, the president urged Americans to be patient: “This crusade … is going to take awhile.” Immediately, the cry arose, “How could he be so cruelly insensitive!” Bush was scourged and admonished that he had insulted the Islamic world. Did he not know the …

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