Black America vs. Obama?

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“The Disappearing Black Middle Class” ran the headline over the Chicago Sun-Times story. And the statistics from the Economic Policy Institute were indeed sobering. In 2007, best year of the Bush era, white households had a median net worth of $134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households. By 2009, the …

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Is a U.S. Default Inevitable?

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As President Bush prepared to invade Iraq in September 2002, the head of his economic policy council, Lawrence Lindsey publicly estimated such a war could cost $100 billion to $200 billion. Lindsey had committed candor, and the stunned Bushites came down on him with both feet. “Baloney,” said Donald Rumsfeld. …

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The Death of Moral Community

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“The opponents (of same-sex marriage) have no case other than ignorance and misconception and prejudice.” So writes Richard Cohen in his celebratory column about Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s role in legalizing gay marriage in New York state. Now, given that no nation in 20 centuries of Christendom legalized homosexual marriage, and, …

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Say Goodbye to Los Angeles

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Centuries before William James coined the phrase, men have sought a “moral equivalent of war,” some human endeavor to satisfy the jingoistic lust of man, without the carnage of war. For some, the modern Olympic Games have served the purpose, with the Cold War rivalry for medals between the United …

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Is Obama Only Postponing the Inevitable?

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In deciding to pull all of the 30,000 troops from the surge out of Afghanistan, six weeks before Election Day 2012, but only 10,000 by year’s end, President Obama has satisfied neither the generals nor the doves. He has, however, well served his political interests. A larger drawdown would have …

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The Dumbing-Down of America

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“Is our children learning?” as George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning, especially the history of their country, the school subject at which America’s young perform at their worst. On history tests given to 31,000 pupils by the National Assessment of Education Progress, the “Nation’s …

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Fed Up With Freeloaders

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“The most successful alliance in history,” it was called at the end of the Cold War in which NATO, for 40 years, deterred the Red Army from overrunning Berlin or crashing through West Germany to the Channel. And when that Cold War was over, Sen. Richard Lugar famously said, “Either …

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Why Weiner’s Going Under the Bus

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Is there any redeeming social value to the tawdry tale of Anthony Weiner? Only this: The nationwide revulsion at the conduct of the congressman has compelled the leadership and members of the House Democratic caucus to demand he resign immediately and cease not only distracting them from their work but …

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