VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – April 22, 2018

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – April 15, 2018

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – April 8, 2018

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – April 1, 2018

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Pat Buchanan CSPAN-180325

VIDEO: Buchanan on C-CPAN Washington Journal

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – March 25, 2018

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Pat Buchanan Roast 1991 CSPAN


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Pat Buchanan will be on C-SPAN this Sunday, March 25, 2018 see details below. Also found on the C-SPAN site, a marvelous blast from the past: An October, 1991 Pat Buchanan Roast – Younger folks might not get many of the insider jokes but most of it is very funny! …

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – March 18, 2018

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