The Plot to Destroy Nixon

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In his new biography “Being Nixon: A Man Divided,” Evan Thomas concedes a point. Richard Nixon, he writes, “was not paranoid; the press and the ‘Georgetown set’ really were out to get him.” Carl Bernstein’s review found Thomas’ book deficient in its failure to chronicle the “endemic criminality” of the …

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The Greatest Comeback by Pat Buchanan

Liberal Elites Toppled Nixon

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– Opinion USA Today The left is today celebrating the 40th anniversary of the resignation of its most despised enemy in the 20th century. But though his fall is being hailed as a triumph of democracy, Richard Nixon was not brought down by any popular uprising. The breaking of his …

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Printers Row Review: ‘The Greatest Comeback’ by Patrick J. Buchanan

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By Scott Porch – Chicago Tribune Buchanan deals the story with a great deal of humility — without a single self-serving anecdote or discursion in the book — which makes “The Greatest Comeback” much more a balanced history than a me-me-me memoir…. In 1965, a young Patrick Buchanan corralled a …

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The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority

40 Years Later, Still Trying to Define Presidential Power

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By Peter Baker – The New York Times Patrick J. Buchanan celebrates Nixon in “The Greatest Comeback,” recalling the 1968 election he won after his previous defeats…. Talk of impeachment is in the air. A handful of conservatives issue statements and sell T-shirts promoting an impeachment their party leaders consider …

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Pat Buchanan Richard Nixon Book

Here’s What Barack Obama and Richard Nixon Have in Common on Foreign Policy

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By Michael Smerconish at The Philadelphia Inquirer Last week, I ran this comparison past Pat Buchanan, who just wrote The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority. Buchanan was at Nixon’s side from January 1966 through the end of his presidency in August 1974. …

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Pat Buchanan

Buchanan: Watergate Was No Different Than Democrat Admins Harassing MLK

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By Scott Greer, Associate Editor at The Daily Caller The presidency of Richard Nixon will be forever associated with the black mark of the Watergate scandal, and has influenced the way millions of Americans perceive his legacy. In the third part of The Daily Caller’s interview with Pat Buchanan — …

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The Unraveling Myth of Watergate

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It was, they said, the crime of the century. An attempted coup d’etat by Richard Nixon, stopped by two intrepid young reporters from The Washington Post and their dashing and heroic editor. The 1976 movie, “All the President‘s Men,” retold the story with Robert Redford as Bob Woodward, Dustin Hoffman …

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The Outing of Deep Throat

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As the 40th anniversary of Watergate impends, we are to be bathed again in the great myth and morality play about the finest hour in all of American journalism. The myth? That two heroic young reporters at The Washington Post, guided by a secret source, a man of conscience they …

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