Has Obama Called Bibi’s Bluff?

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What is Bibi Netanyahu up to? With all his warnings of Iran‘s “nuclear capability,” of red lines being crossed, of “breakout,” of the international community failing in its duty, of an “existential threat” to Israel, what is the prime minister’s game? The answer is apparent. Bibi wants Iran‘s nuclear program …

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The ‘Large Purpose’ of Romney-Ryan

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“The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose,” said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural, 100 years ago. The Republican Party of Richard Nixon was called to power in 1968 to bring an honorable end to the …

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A Grand Old Party in Panic

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Whittaker Chambers said that “the great failing of American conservatives is they do not retrieve their wounded.” He had it right, as Todd Akin can testify. In an interview that aired last Sunday, Akin, the Republican candidate for Senate in Missouri, was asked whether he opposed abortions for women who …

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The New World Disorder

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After his great victory in Desert Storm, George H.W. Bush went before the United Nations to declare the coming of a New World Order. The Cold War was yesterday. Communism was in its death throes. The Soviet Empire had crumbled. The Soviet Union was disintegrating. Francis Fukuyama was writing of …

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‘The Most Dangerous Man in the World’?

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U.S. newspapers this fall will devote countless column inches and network TV will set aside endless hours to revisiting the most perilous month in the history of the republic, if not of the world. Nikita Khrushchev’s decision to secretly install nuclear-armed intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba began to form in …

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The Natural Map of the Middle East

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“Apart from political maps of mankind, there are natural maps of mankind. … One of the first laws of political stability is to draw your political boundaries along the lines of the natural map of mankind.” So wrote H.G. Wells in “What Is Coming: A Forecast of Things to Come …

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On the Chick-fil-A Front of the Culture War

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Two weeks ago, Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, an Atlanta company famous for its juicy chicken sandwiches, appeared on “The Ken Coleman Show” to air his biblical belief that those who champion same-sex marriage are risking divine retribution upon us all. “We are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when …

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Is Mitt Being Neoconned Into War?

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Has Mitt Romney given Israel a blank check for war? So it seemed from the declaration in Jerusalem by his adviser Dan Senor, who all but flashed Israel a green light for war, signaling the Israelis that, if you go, Mitt’s got your back: “If Israel has to take action …

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