No Apologies Needed, Mitt

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Mitt Romney has conceded that his thoughts, expressed at that Boca Raton, Fla., fundraiser, were “not elegantly” stated. Those mocking him might concede he has tabled one of the mega-issues of our time. Can America continue down the path President Obama is taking us on, to a time soon and …

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The ‘Large Purpose’ of Romney-Ryan

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“The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose,” said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural, 100 years ago. The Republican Party of Richard Nixon was called to power in 1968 to bring an honorable end to the …

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In the Long Run, Is the GOP Dead?

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Since 1928, only Dwight Eisenhower and George W. Bush have won the presidency while capturing both houses of Congress for the GOP. In his 49-state landslide, Richard Nixon failed to take either House. In his two landslides, Ronald Reagan won back only the Senate. Yet Mitt Romney is even money …

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Salad Days of the Public Sector Are Over

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San Bernardino, Calif., has now followed Stockton into bankruptcy. Harrisburg and Scranton, Pa., and Jefferson County, Ala., home to Birmingham, are already there to welcome them. Detroit has been taken into receivership by Michigan. A plan under discussion is to level a fourth of the city and reconvert it into …

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Ann Romney Asks the Right Question

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When Hillary Rosen said that Ann Romney had “never worked a day in her life,” it was among the better days of the Romney campaign. For Rosen — present whereabouts unknown — both revealed the feminist mindset about women who choose to become wives and mothers and brought Ann Romney …

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Has the Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP?

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Among the more controversial chapters in “Suicide of a Superpower,” my book published last fall, was the one titled, “The End of White America.” It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity. That book and …

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Something Rotten in the State

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With the number of Secret Service members and agents caught up in the partying-with-prostitutes scandal in Cartagena now at a dozen, and six already gone, how much wider and deeper does this go? No one can take pleasure in seeing Secret Service agents — whose deserved reputation is that they …

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The Glaring Inequality of Obamaville

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Rising inequality “is the defining issue of our time,” said President Obama in his Osawatomie speech that echoed the “New Nationalism” address Theodore Roosevelt delivered in that same Kansas town a century ago. In the last two decades, the average income of the top 1 percent in the U.S. has …

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