What Biden's First 100 Days Might Look Like

What Biden’s First 100 Days Might Look Like

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But the truly formidable challenge for a President Biden will be China, which is not the China of 2016 that Vice President Biden recalls. The Biden-Harris administration will confront “a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on …

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What Trump Will Leave in Biden's Inbox

What Trump Will Leave in Biden’s Inbox

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Then, there are the human rights backsliders that are U.S. partners and allies — Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. How does Biden deal with the party’s progressives who demand he sanction such partner-nations — without risking the loss of these countries’ cooperation on our policy agenda? Dismissing President Donald Trump’s claim …

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Is Peace at Hand in the Middle East?

Is Peace at Hand in the Middle East?

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Recognition of Israel by the UAE and Bahrain will, it is predicted, be followed by recognition of Israel by Oman and other Gulf states, perhaps even Saudi Arabia. But the idea that peace is at hand appears to be, as Mark Twain said of reports of his death, premature. Having …

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Are the Forever Wars Really Ending?

Are the Forever Wars Really Ending?

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Clearly, with the cuts in troops in Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the appointments of Ruger and Macgregor, Trump has signaled a new resolve to reconfigure U.S. foreign policy in an “America First” direction, if he wins a second term. “There is no… sound reason for the United States to …

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What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

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When it comes to spending lives and treasure indefinitely we find we have no vital interest in whether these lands we occupy are ruled by monarchs, democrats, dictators or demagogues… If they don’t attack us, why do we not just leave them be? When a Wall Street Journal editorial warned …

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Will COVID-19 Retire the World's Policeman?

Will COVID-19 Retire the World’s Policeman?

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Will this pandemic prove the decisive factor in America’s retreat from global hegemony? For declaring in March that the U.S. economy might be reopened by Easter, President Donald Trump was roundly mocked. Yet, it appears his political instincts were correct. He was more in tune with his country than were …

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Is This How Europe Ends?

Is This How Europe Ends?

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Will these migrants and asylum seekers become good Europeans? Or will they create in the great cities of Europe enclaves that replicate the conditions in the African and Middle East countries whence they came? “Fortress Europe is an illusion.” So declares the Financial Times in the closing line of its …

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Will War Derail Trump's Reelection?

Will War Derail Trump’s Reelection?

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If there are IEDs on Trump’s road to reelection, they may be found in the Middle and Near East, land of the forever wars, and North Korea. Not infrequently, foreign policy has proven decisive in presidential years. “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,” Yogi Berra reminded us. …

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