Obama Should Go to Sochi

Obama Should Go to Sochi

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With twin suicide bombings in Volgograd, at a train station and on a trolley, 34 Russians are dead and scores are injured and hospitalized. Moscow and the world have been put on notice by Doku Umarov, the Chechen Islamic terrorist, that the winter Olympics in Sochi, six weeks away, may …

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Why Neo-Isolationism Is Soaring

Why Neo-Isolationism Is Soaring

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“Neo-isolationism is the direct product of foolish globalism. … Compared to people who thought they could run the universe, or at least the globe, I am neo-isolationist and proud of it.” Those are not the words of an old America Firster, but the declaration of that icon of the liberal …

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Let Obama Play the Iran Hand

Let Obama Play the Iran Hand

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When, after the massacres at Newtown and the Washington Navy Yard, Republicans refused to outlaw the AR-15 rifle or require background checks for gun purchasers, we were told the party had committed suicide by defying 90 percent of the nation. When Republicans rejected amnesty and a path to citizenship for …

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The worst peace scare in memory is sweeping through the think tanks of Washington

Is the Sun Peeking Through the War Clouds?

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Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck is sometimes credited with the proverb, “God has a special providence for fools, drunks and the United States of America.” Observing the unfolding of the Syrian crisis, the Iron Chancellor was an insightful man. In August, we were hours away from missile strikes on Syria …

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Lindsey's Plan for War on Iran

Lindsey’s Plan for War on Iran

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This summer produced a triumph of American patriotism. A grassroots coalition arose to demand Congress veto any war on Syria. Congress got the message and was ready to vote no to war, when President Obama seized upon Vladimir Putin’s offer to work together to disarm Syria of chemical weapons. The …

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How Many Syrians Should We Kill

America Says ‘No!’ to a Beltway War

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Last week, hell came to the tiny Christian village of Maaloula where they still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. “Rebels of the Free Syrian Army launched an assault aided by a suicide bomber from Jabhat al-Nusra,” the al-Qaida-linked Islamic terrorist group, writes the Washington Post. The AP picked up …

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Just Whose War is This?

Just Whose War Is This?

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Wednesday, John Kerry told the Senate not to worry about the cost of an American war on Syria. The Saudis and Gulf Arabs, cash-fat on the $110-a-barrel oil they sell U.S. consumers, will pick up the tab for the Tomahawk missiles. Has it come to this — U.S. soldiers, sailors, …

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No Syrian War to Save Obamas Face

No Syrian War to Save Obama’s Face!

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“Catastrophic!” said Sen. John McCain. If Congress votes no on a resolution calling for U.S. intervention in Syria’s civil war, says McCain, it would be “catastrophic” for U.S. credibility in the world. Consider what the senator is saying here. Because Barack Obama, two years ago, said “Assad must go,” and, …

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